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God is raising up a new pastoral couple: Ramon and Kamla

In 2006, during the first baptismal service our congregation in Sangre Grande had after we were installed as the pastoral couple, I baptized a couple who had received Jesus as their Savior and Lord.

We quickly noticed spiritual growth in Ramon & Kamla. They were humble and teachable. Before long they began participating in Friendship Bible Coffee (FBC) studies, and later became leaders of these studies, both in and out of the church building.

They have accepted additional responsibilities in the church and it has been recognized that God has His hand on them. Early in 2011 they began attending Bible School about an hour’s drive from their home. They are enjoying their studies and putting into practice what they are

We have been mentoring them since 2009. We meet with them weekly to encourage them, to discuss what they learned at Bible School that week and to work through concerns that have arisen in their lives. In October 2011 Ramon was commissioned as “pastoral mentoree,” and given more responsibilities in the church. Both Ramon & Kamla deeply love the Lord, the church and His people. They have the caring hearts that true pastors have, and members of the congregation are increasingly calling on them and interacting with them in this role. Later this spring Bro. Ramon will be appointed “Associate Pastor” as a further step in preparation for pastoral ministry.

We were given two primary assignments when we were commissioned as the pastoral couple at the Sangre Grande Mennonite Church—to identify and train someone from the congregation to become the future pastor, and to give spiritual leadership to the congregation. We rejoice and thank God for calling this couple to carry on spiritual leadership in our congregation. Our mission is coming to a close and we praise God for what He has done and is doing in our congregation.

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