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Mission Training Center

Excitement builds as an existing barn on the property is renovated into a space for training, meeting, and community events.

By Aaron Kauffman

At VMMissions, we see renovation as a form of innovation. Taking a storage barn and transforming it into a training center will give it a new purpose for a new generation of missional leaders.

Glen Stoltzfus is helping us turn this dream into a reality. “As a retired contractor, I always get excited when I can use the skills I’ve acquired over the years in the trades to help the church. After looking at the building, I was encouraged to see that the bones of the structure are in good shape, the foundation and the roof need minimal work, and the building is pretty much the right size of what we need and can be made easily accessible,” Stoltzfus said.

VMMissions staff eagerly anticipate the new possibilities that the Mission Training Center will provide.

“I’m excited about a space to pray. A space to gather together. A space that calls us; a space that’s been purposed for prayer,” said Skip Tobin, USA Ministry Coach.

“A larger meeting space is pretty exciting to me, so that we won’t be limited by our current spaces that we have,” said Melanie Sherer, Executive Assistant.

Martin Rhodes, Discipleship Ministries Coach, agreed. “I am really excited about using this space to equip people for mission, hosting training events for new workers, hosting training events for the church, and seeing people encouraged in their lives of discipleship.”

“It’s a reminder of what God does with our lives,” added Lydia Martin, Human Resources Assistant. “He takes us where we are and fills us with new life through the Spirit.”