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My journey with complete trust

When we lived in the US, I thought I trusted God fully, but I’m finding now how much I didn’t. You see, living in rural Jamaica, there are no ambulances to come if something bad were to happen.

The nearest hospital, which may or may not offer comprehensive care, is 45 minutes away and as for emergency care on the weekends, one needs to drive to the hospital! The police don’t always come when you call and often want bribes. I have realized that back in the US, I put my trust in a good, clean hospital with comprehensive care that is close by, ambulances that will arrive shortly after being called, police that will show up after being called and needing no bribes to do their job. (Please note that this is not all police in Jamaica.)

I find myself needing to trust God so much more to protect my family. Bugs and insects are our living companions in the house. I have to trust that God will protect us from those that are harmful; it’s actually part of our nightly prayer, to protect from things that are not from God and harmful insects and bugs. I have found that it’s when we’re in a place that things are not familiar and comfortable that we have to put our trust in God. What else can we do? There is nothing else we can rely on!

Our theme verse before we came to Jamaica was Proverbs 3:5-6 and it continues to challenge me today. “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.”

May we continue on this journey of complete trust in God.


Rodney and Eve Knepp (with family) take communion at Jamaica Mennonite Conference.
Rodney and Eve Knepp (with family) take communion at Jamaica Mennonite Conference.
Courtesy of Gloria Lehman

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