South Asia
Current opportunities:
South Asia: Living God’s Mission With Muslim-Background Believers
Join the team in South Asia with current VMMissions workers as you learn language and culture in order to minister to one of the most under-reached people groups in the world while using your particular gifts and passions.
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Join a team with current VMMissions workers and use your media and technology skills as an intern prepared to learn and serve as you enhance the outreach ministry to Muslim-background persons and connect with new believers as you study language and culture.
Read MoreSouth Asia: Living God’s Mission with Muslim-Background Believers
Dive into an immersion experience in a Muslim context with home stays, language study and mission mentoring among Muslim-background believers in Jesus. Join a team with current VMMissions workers as an intern prepared to listen, learn and minister in this context.
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Not sure where to start?
Get in touch with Kierston Kreider, Mission Mobilizer, and he’ll work with you to identify what opportunities might be a good fit.