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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Mission Fund Update

End of 2018 Mission Fund Goal Raises $103K

Thank you for your generosity as we finished 2018. We raised $103,401, or 92% of our Mission Fund goal. Thank you for helping us share the greatest gift ever given.

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Staff who worked with VMMissions accreditation.

VMMissions Short-term Programs Now Accredited

VMMissions is excited to announce that it has passed the accreditation process with Standards of Excellence in Short-term Missions (SOE) and is now a fully accredited member.

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Baptisms on the beach in Thailand

Grants Received for Thailand Anabaptist Gathering

Anabaptist believers from Thailand and Laos gathered together in Chonburi, Thailand, for a rich time of lively worship, fellowship and interactive teaching at the 4th Thailand Anabaptist Gathering (TAG), October 8-12, 2018.

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New ways of being church

Instead of asking, “Why aren’t people coming to our church? Where is the younger generation? What is the future of the church?” we need to be asking, “Where is God at work? How can we participate in what God is doing in this context? What are we inviting people to be part of?”

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Lynn Suter

A Culture of Multiplication

If you were asked, “What are the irreducible minimums of the church?” what would you say? An assembly of some number? What number? A pattern of assembling? What’s the pattern and what mission and values would it reflect?

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Mission Fund Update

Results of Fiscal Year End Campaign

We are seeing the fruit of changed lives and communities that God is producing through our ministries! Like an abundant harvest, a great deal of work lies behind these fruitful ministries. Thank you for making this possible.

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NT Wright

N.T. Wright to Give Lectures in Harrisonburg, VA

Prolific writer and New Testament scholar N.T. Wright will give a series of presentations on “Discerning the Dawn” in Harrisonburg, Va., November 13-14.

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Carol Tobin

From Anywhere to Anyone

At first glance, the idea of all of us “going” sounds like a perfect recipe for chaos! But, somehow, this is what the Holy Spirit does when he gets a hold of us. Our hearts enlarge. Our vision expands. We go beyond our culturally comfortable borders.

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Norma Teles

Called to go: Norma’s story

Norma Teles is a Brazilian VMMissions worker in Lezhë, Albania, working with Roma children at the school she has founded, the Joshua Center. By Norma Teles   Norma Teles at the Joshua Center. Courtesy of Janet Blosser   I grew up in a Christian family with nine siblings in Salvadore, Brazil. I was expected to…

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Francisco and Juanita Machado

Preserved for a purpose

Francisco and Juanita came to the U.S. as asylum seekers from Honduras. Now God is using them as church planters in Madrid, Spain.

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Writing calligraphy

A tailor-made niche

With J.T’s type of design work, he gets to continue in this “cultural mandate” of developing this language and while doing it, share with his Muslim colleagues this beautiful heritage of how Christianity uniquely uplifts languages.

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Work as Witness

Too often we as Christians have adopted our culture’s divide between the spiritual and the secular. Except for paid ministry, we rarely think of work as spiritual. The Bible, however, makes no such distinction between spiritual and secular.

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