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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Anticipating God’s amazing ways

Wow! What a year it has been. A year ago I was busily finishing my last semester of college while preparing for this mission year by accomplishing seemingly endless forms, personality/spiritual tests, interviews and trainings in Pennsylvania. I knew I was being called into missions, but wasn’t exactly sure where, how or when. May EMU…

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Actions speak louder than language barriers

“Good morning.” “Buenos dias.” “Alli punsha.” In the small Ecuadorian jungle community of Arajuno, these three languages, English, Spanish and Kichwa, flowed together harmoniously as a group of 10 men from Nebraska, three Colombians and I worked alongside the local indigenous people to help them construct a new church building. During a week of hard…

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Investing (missionally) for long-term dividends

Our first term here in Bari was spent learning; culture, language, people and places. When we came back for our second term, we had no idea what God had in store for us, but we felt it would be good. We can now confirm that it has been a wonderful experience! Upon our return in…

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Closeness and joy through shared ties

In November 2010 the country mice became city mice, and moved from their lush, green dairy farm in Dayton, Virginia, to a block house in the center of the concrete-covered world of La Mesa, Colombia. Since that time we have been learning to live in a completely different way, interpreting the new sounds of honking…

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Planting Seeds in Jacó

We call the program Vida 220 referring to Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Nine participants from four different countries live in community at the mission base in the mountains near Heredia, Costa Rica. Every week we attend classes, hear lectures on a…

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Miracles of transformation among the deaf in Belize

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10 Miracles of transformation: This year two more young deaf people were baptized. Both are in their 20s. One has been coming to our church ever since the first time we gathered for worship in…

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Company, connections and comfort food

I vigorously mashed potatoes by hand in the stainless steel kettle to feed nine persons around the table. Being emotionally exhausted this week, I had felt that I needed to push myself to do each of my responsibilities: Tuesday morning Bible study at the church in the village of Kemishtaj, Wednesday afternoon English lesson at…

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Living out our faith like Monjira

Recently, I have missed my family. The cultural divide between me and my neighbors has seemed huge. In thinking about how the cultural practice of seclusion hurts women, I have felt in despair. Every Thursday I go to Monjira’s neighborhood and meet with three women to study the Bible. They are wives of men who…

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God’s unexpected movement in Jamaica

In the past year God has been moving in our community here in Top Hill, Jamaica. One way we’ve seen this is in the growth of our Wednesday night Bible study from being nonexistent to consistently having more than 15 persons attend. In the course of working at ministering to persons in the community by…

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Prayers felt in Albania

God gives us the opportunity to be His servants. He enables us to serve Him as He inspires and motivates us to do His will. My work with the Roma people has its up and down seasons. All of this brings me closer to God. Right now I am giving praise to God for the…

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Jamaica Mennonite Church conference delivers deep impact

“The Word of God: Eternal, Powerful & Profitable” was the theme of the 53rd annual conference of the Jamaica Mennonite Church, March 4-6, held in Kingston. Delegates gathered on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday to discuss reports from congregations and directors of various areas of church work. During the delegate session, Morris Baker was…

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New witness launched in central Italy

Termoli, an ancient and modern city several hours north of Bari, Italy, of approximately 50,000 people, is situated among the coastal hills overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Guarded by a picturesque castle, it nestles among flourishing olive groves and vineyards. Although without an established believers’ church witness, God is at work to carry out His purposes…

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