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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Ann Hershberger

Parents of Missionaries Event is May 17

Join other local parents of missionaries for an evening of encouragement and fellowship on May 17, from 6pm to 7:30pm. Presenter Ann Hershberger will talk about “How to be Present when Absent.”

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Peter Eberly

A shared heartbeat for mission

If the church is made up of disciples, then everything we are part of should replicate: disciples who can make disciples, small groups who can make new small groups, churches that can plant churches. I have missional dreams that from Eastside would come churches in many locations. That replication process must begin with individual disciples.

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Skip Tobin

Local mission on the map

I am excited about all that is happening within VMMissions USA Ministries: my daily interactions with workers and prospective workers, the requests for tranSend interns from local pastors, the interaction with district leaders regarding their missional hopes, the ground work of discipling that happens in my coaching contexts and in the many new huddles.

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Aaron M. Kauffman

The Best is Yet to Come

It’s easy to look at the present landscape of the church in North America and get discouraged. Nearly all denominations are in decline. Where are the streams that God is causing to spring up in what feels like a spiritual wasteland? I see at least three streams of renewal.

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Sarah Showalter

Call to Prayer: Teaching Children to Pray

As believers, we are tasked with the job of bringing the little children to Jesus. We can spend all the time in the world teaching children about God, but if we don’t teach them how to relate to God, we’re not doing any better than the disciples who tried to shoo the children away.

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Seeking and finding

A knock on the door, seeking and finding

“I believe that Jesus is God, and I want to be a Jesus follower.” I couldn’t believe my ears as Yousif prayed a beautiful prayer of repentance, expressing a humble need of Christ. How could this be happening? A Muslim young man, coming to faith so quickly?

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Don Clymer prepares for a seminar

Sharing the good news in Switzerland

I wasn’t sure if my writing and work on spirituality in the United States would connect with the people of Europe, but the loneliness, brokenness and hunger for a deeper relationship with God is as evident here as at home. Sharing the good news here in Europe is helping people develop a closer relationship to God and helping them to return to what God created them to be, rather than what the outer world forced on them.

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Lifestyle Evangelism

Do we have the courage to live such radical lives of obedience to Jesus that we stand out from our culture, and perhaps even suffer for it? Do we have the humble confidence to bear witness to the gospel among our family members, neighbors, and coworkers?

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A family outing in South Asia

Sowing seeds of good news

Holy moments right here and now: mission workers and staff share fresh stories of gospel seeds being sown in the course of their everyday lives. “God, may you bring the fruit!”

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Mission Fund Update

2017 Mission Fund Goal Exceeded

Thank you for helping us extend the great chain of disciples who make disciples who make disciples. We slightly exceeded our 2017 fiscal-year-end goal of $110,000!

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Grace reads a Bible story book

In Word and with Power

In a slum community in a large Asian city, Anita and Yosiah have gained their community’s trust through deeds of love. Now they ask, “How do we proclaim the gospel holistically?”

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Loving our neighbors in jail

Jason Wagner, appointed to serve as chaplain at the Rockingham Regional Jail. Courtesy photo   By Jason Wagner I have seen firsthand the deep hunger for connection to God and loving fellowship that inmates have in the Rockingham Regional Jail. Since being appointed as a VMMissions worker to serve as jail chaplain, I have been…

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