Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
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VMMissions to Host Fall Cohort on Cultivating a Life of Prayer
Prayer continues to emerge as a priority as VMMissions looks ahead at the next decade. One concrete opportunity is available this fall: Michael and Ruth Hershey will be leading a three-month exploration and discovery called “Cultivating a Life of Prayer.”
Read MoreCall to Prayer: The Honor of Co-Laboring
“God really does want to teach us to pray,” Ruth writes. “Prayer has become much more than something that we ‘should’ do. It is something we desire and enjoy, something that feels like a great honor.”
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Life Lessons
“With our two-month-old fourth daughter in arms, we went through our training. It was all a blur, with the exception of one so very important word that God spoke to me while I was fetching something from our parked car. It stopped me in my tracks. ‘You think you are doing this for me. No, I am doing this for you,'” Carol writes.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: The Posture of Persistent Hope
In the face of the louder voices and the evening news, our job is to vigorously hold on to the hope that God will fulfill his purposes, not by might, not by strength, but by his Spirit!
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Seeing Beyond the Barriers
Jesus says, “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved” (John 10:9a). So when the enemy tries to tempt me to focus on the barriers, I pray for eyes to be opened to see the compelling beauty of Jesus shining into our world with arms wide open, causing all to run to him.
Read MoreVMMissions Hosts Prayer as Mission Seminar
VMMissions workers Michael and Ruthy Hershey led a seminar on October 17 and 18 focused on engaging prayer as the foremost tool given to us by which to engage in God’s mission and see God’s purposes unfold in our lives and in our world.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Cherishing What God Speaks
“In our 14 years of our marriage, we have moved 14 times, not to mention all the transitions each time we came back to the US for home ministry assignments,” Ruthy H. writes. “God reminds me that we have not only survived all of this transition, but have been able to thrive.”
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Listening in the Hard Times
A week before arriving home to our slum, our neighborhood was flooded. Our homecoming was overwhelming—filled with culture shock, mourning lost possessions, and setting up our house again. Less than a month later, we all got typhoid. How do we pray in these times?
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Soaking and Leaking
We knew that God had good plans for our neighbors in our South Asian Muslim neighborhood. We also knew intimately the hard details of their lives. We spent a lot of time praying and listening for a sense of God’s dreams for them and what God was specifically guiding us to do.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: No junior Holy Spirit for children!
By Priscilla Gnanamanickam Children don’t have a junior Holy Spirit.” This is what we were told by a missionary couple when we were young parents in India, as we were learning to listen to the voice of the Lord and follow him. “Encourage your children to listen to the voice of the Lord speaking, like…
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Can Prayer Make Your Family Unique?
Our priority on prayer is guided by clear biblical principles. We emphasize the fact that God hears our prayers and that we can hear from him. But principles are not enough; we need to practice. Here are a few family-friendly prayer ideas that we have used to develop our family prayer life.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Teaching Children to Pray
As believers, we are tasked with the job of bringing the little children to Jesus. We can spend all the time in the world teaching children about God, but if we don’t teach them how to relate to God, we’re not doing any better than the disciples who tried to shoo the children away.
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