Posts by Jon Trotter
Carol Tobin, VMMissions Mission Advocate, Retires
On August 31, Carol Tobin retired from her staff role as Mission Advocate and Transforming Content Editor. Though her formal role has ended, she will continue in volunteer roles for VMMissions, including helping to coordinate the upcoming Perspectives course and local missions recruitment efforts.
Read MoreWorker Profile: Hannah Shultz
Hannah’s assignment is to disciple children in local Spanish-speaking churches in the way of Jesus through word and song. She partners with congregations, teaches piano and violin, and shares biblical truths to build and nurture faith in kids.
Read MoreMission Training Center
Excitement builds as an existing barn on the property is renovated into a space for training, meeting, and community events. Taking a storage barn and transforming it into a training center will give it a new purpose for a new generation of missional leaders.
Read MoreBusiness for Transformation
VMMissions is blessing communities through kingdom business through a subsidiary board of business experts who find and coach partners, vet plans, monitor progress, and makes loans to new and growing enterprises. Christian-led businesses can create just employment and sustainable economic growth even as they invite spiritual transformation through the gospel.
Read MoreGlobal Church Planting
VMMissions is mobilizing church planters from around the globe to the places where the gospel is needed most. The following profiles feature the first recipients of the Global Church Planting grant. What an opportunity to join God in launching this new generation of global church planters!
Read MoreExplore God’s Heart for Justice on the U.S.-Mexico Border
Border Perspective, a VMMissions E3 Collective, is an immersive and educational service learning trip that will offer participants a first-hand connection with immigrant leaders serving families on the U.S.–Mexico border.
Read MorePerspectives Course Coming Back to Harrisonburg Early Next Year
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course is offered next spring (held on Tuesday evenings, January 3 to May 2, 2023) in Harrisonburg. The 15-week course is heartily endorsed by a broad spectrum of evangelical denominations, ministries, and mission agencies.
Read MoreWatch: A Church of Many Cultures Celebration Service
Watch the Church of Many Cultures Celebration as VMMissions celebrated nearing the end of a campaign raising $3 million for new initiatives through a service of worship and commissioning new workers. The service was held as part of Virginia Mennonite Conference Assembly at Zion Mennonite Church, Broadway, Va.
Read MoreTeams Putt Around in Support of Missions
Putt Fore Missions was a great way to connect with those who support the vision of VMMissions to strive toward a Spirit-led church of many cultures. It was a hot evening on the greens at Mulligan’s Golf Center in Harrisonburg as twenty teams of four enjoyed a friendly competition in pursuit of the “green jacket t-shirts” awarded to our top golfers in four age categories.
Read MoreVMMissions Celebrates 30 Years of Involvement in Albania
As many persons gather June 18-19 in Albania to celebrate 30 years of Guri i Themelit Church, and 10 years of Lezha Academic Center in Lezhë, Albania, learn more about the long involvement of VMMissions in Albania.
Read MoreWorker profile: Nathan Carr
Nathan is serving in prison ministry, involved in reaching out to men like himself—helping to draw them out of addiction towards Christ. He can see the joy in the men he relates to when they surrender to Jesus, because he knows the new life that lies ahead for them.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Discovering Parallels with the Past
An Indian believer gave Ruthy and her teammates a church history book describing mission work that had began happening across northern India in the late 1800s and workers who dedicated the majority of their lives there. “What a gift to read their prayer list!” she writes.
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