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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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A tribute to Paul Kropf, long-time missionary

On behalf of VMM, I wish to recognize the significant service rendered by Paul and June Kropf, long-term pioneer missionaries to Albania with Eastern Mennonite Missions. Paul died unexpectedly on Christmas morning. With great sadness and sense of loss, we remember Paul and his contribution to the Albanian church. Upon their arrival in Lezhe, Albania,…

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Baptisms in Trinidad, 2011.

Seven Joyful Baptisms in Trinidad

Richard and Margaret Keeler I had the privilege of participating in the baptism of seven people on January 30, 2011. As we stood under a few coconut palms and heard testimonies from all the baptismal candidates, all of us rejoiced to see God at work. I gave each one who was baptized a special verse, then myself and Bro. Ramon, a lay leader, baptized them.

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Loren Horst

Transformed, Transforming.

All of us at Virginia Mennonite Missions share in common the desire to be instruments of God’s transformation. Then, transformation turns around and continues to change us! Thinking we were the ones changing others, we discover that we are the ones being changed.

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Prayer at service in Trinidad

Mennonite Church in Trinidad Now “Totally Local”

Borrowing from a popular local slogan, Pastor Ganesh Kalloo described the signficance of the day at Sangre Grande Mennonite Church in Trinidad as “Totally Local.” On Sunday morning, January 9, the Mennonite Church of Trinidad and Tobago (MCTT) commissioned and installed the first Trinidadian as their conference overseer. Rawl Gunpath had pastored for many years…

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Amor Viviente pastor challenges Italian Mennonites

“Although God cares about poverty, suffering and pain, these human problems are not His first priority. He sent Jesus to bring forgiveness, to seek that which was lost, to give new life-abundant and eternal. Jesus commissions us to continue His ministry and make disciples. The message must be so clear that people either believe and…

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Signs of Life Fellowship celebrates one year

On January 9, Signs of Life Fellowship (SLF) celebrated it’s one year “birthday” of meeting for worship at the Shenandoah Valley Club of the Deaf. SLF is a joint outreach ministry of Virginia Mennonite Missions, Springdale Mennonite Church and Community Fellowship Church in Staunton. Four families from the two churches who had been functioning as…

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From religion to relationship

When Francesco, a young man who attends Centro Koinonia, Bari, Italy, began a new job, he immediately connected with Luigi, a colleague, who questioned him, “Who are you? I can see in your face that you are different!” Two years earlier Luigi had left the religious sect he was part of, having discovered who Jesus…

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Mennonite Women gather to consider purpose, discipleship

When the new officers of Mennonite Women of Virginia met for the first time, we began by considering our constitution. We found elements that may need revision. However, we were encouraged to find that the purpose of Mennonite Women of Virginia has not changed. Briefly stated, it is to support each other as we “find,…

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Three baptized in Kemishtaj, Albania

The Adriatic Sea wind whipped our faces but the bright sun beamed upon the group of believers from the Lajmetaret e Jesus Krishtit (Heralds of Jesus Christ) church of Kemishtaj, Albania, gathered for the baptism of Lazi, Ilir, and Eva. A deserted beach-side food stand sheltered us from the wind as Allen Umble, VMM worker…

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Blood revenge claims life of Albanian pastor

On October 8, Pastor Dritan (Tani) Prroj died in a busy plaza in the center of Shkoder. Similar to Jesus, he was executed in his early 30s for the sins of others. His crimes? Belonging to the wrong clan, refusing to stay imprisoned in his own home, continuing his public ministry although knowing he was…

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Shining the light in Hickory

Nearly 60 years ago, evangelists from Franconia Mennonite Conference brought the light to Hickory, North Carolina. On Sunday, November 7, the Mennonite churches that grew out of that evangelistic trip celebrated their history and Virginia Conference’s 175th Anniversary. The day consisted of a homecoming celebration for Mt. View Mennonite Church—current members, past members, and family…

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Loren Horst

Our Core Values

One way to promote integrity and reduce hypocrisy is to write down our core values, share them with others, and then openly compare what we do and what we say. Sometimes the results are gratifying. Sometimes they identify areas in which we need to grow.

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Carol Tobin

The Gospel in Cultural Context

Wiang was attending a gathering of followers of Jesus.  Questions and cynicism dominated her life since the tragic death of her husband in a tractor accident.  The things she had heard and read hadn’t broken through the hard places in her heart.  But the joyful dancing she was witnessing did.

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Loren Horst

Baptism as Remembering

I attended a baptismal service again recently, and it brought to mind my own baptism 47 years ago. I didn’t understand everything, but enough to know that the faith of my parents was not something to be absorbed by association, but by deliberate conviction and decision.

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Loren Horst

A Half-Serious Lament

With a bit of sadness this summer, I witnessed the final decisions associated with dissolving Ohio District of Virginia Mennonite Conference. It made sense since the district had essentially become an “empty set,” but a nearly 60-year era has passed.

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Caleb Benner teaches at Lezha Academic Center in Albania

Vision becomes reality for Lezha Academic Center

Lezha Academic Center, a vision of Klementina and Dini Shahini and an initiative supported by Virginia Mennonite Missions and Eastern Mennonite Missions, will open its doors in Lezhe, Albania in September 2011. A Vision Support Team is providing oversight to the school.

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Loren Horst

We Could Never Do This On Our Own

“We could never do it on our own.” These or similar words express the sentiment of everyone at VMMissions—our staff, our board and our workers. We constantly receive reminders that we are involved in something far larger than ourselves

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