Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
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Egypt’s Big Role in God’s Story
To know the story of Egypt is to know the whole Christian story at once—a story of personal calling, of provision, and of the promise of salvation. Although Christians number only ten percent of the population in Egypt, Angie has a deep sense of pride.
Read MoreOrientation for tranSend Interns Held at VMMissions
Orientation for service is multi-faceted; it includes heart, mind and soul. Each morning, participants listened for God’s voice in silence, watched for him in nature, and reflected on what God said to them in various settings, encouraging them to seek God heartily.
Read MoreWhy Short-term Missions?
If you or your congregation are thinking of a short-term mission experience, get in touch with us at VMMissions. We can help you turn a good idea into an excellent experience and avoid the kind of mistakes that have sometimes given short-term missions a bad name.
Read MoreTaking Bold Steps of Faith and Obedience in Palermo
As these two young people have grown as believers over the past couple of years, they both desired to be baptized as an expression of their faith in Christ. As Manuel and Aurora took this bold step, the church was filled with family and friends from throughout Sicily.
Read MoreForming Missional DNA in Our Congregations
“If you want to dig a new hole, don’t dig the current one deeper,” shared Alan Hirsch at a resource event on May 16 in Lancaster, Pa. Hirsch’s central thought is that God has implanted a missional DNA in every church that seeks to follow Jesus in any time and place.
Read MoreOur Journey of Vision in Vasto
When we first arrived to Vasto, the church had been here for almost twenty years but was almost dead. There was no young group, no actual ministries, and little biblical foundation. We started discipling young people in the church. Now there are 25 young people in the church.
Read MoreOur Journey of Breaking Through
This year, God is moving and providing us more opportunities to talk directly about our faith through our classes, informal interactions, and Bible Club. Many students are approaching us with questions and they are eager to develop their spiritual understanding.
Read MoreA Journey to Find the Meaning of ‘Mennonite’
Mennonite means different things to people in Germany. Sect. Heritage. Irrelevant. Faithful. Traditional. We have been learning what the label means to those who are from a Mennonite background, those who were, those who are not, and those who have nothing to do with Christianity.
Read MoreA Journey of Mutual Sharing and Prayer
It was more than just an ordinary afternoon of coffee, cake and conversation as ladies gathered recently at Lezha Academic Center (LAC). Instead, it was another stepping stone in principal Klementina Shahini’s vision of sharing God’s love with the women of Lezhë, Albania.
Read MoreWord and Deed
An interesting dichotomy has been argued in Christian mission. Should the Christian’s mission in the world focus on verbal witness, or should acts of care and compassion be our priority? Word or deed? I answer the question with a resounding, “Yes! Both!”
Read MoreMy Journey to Embrace the Unexpected Turns
I came to Belize seven and a half years ago to plant a Deaf church and train leadership. In my prayers I reach up to God asking, “Are we there yet?” And God replies with Psalm 32:8, “I will instruct you and teach you the ways you should go.”
Read MoreMy Seven Mile Journey to Emmaus
My experience in Albania has taken me on a path very similar to the road that two disciples traveled after Jesus’ death, seven miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus. I learned two valuable lessons on my seven-mile journey that drastically changed the way I trust God.
Read MoreMy Journey With Complete Trust
When we lived in the US, I thought I trusted God fully, but I’m finding now how much I didn’t. You see, living in rural Jamaica, there are no ambulances to come if something bad were to happen. Our theme verse before we came to Jamaica was Proverbs 3:5-6 and it continues to challenge me today.
Read MoreThe Gospel Poured Out: A Celebration of Willard and Eva Eberly
On December 27, 2012, VMMissions held a celebration for Willard and Eva Eberly for their forty years of ministry in the Mediterranean region, presenting them with a handmade pitcher symbolic of the treasure of the gospel that has been poured out and given freely to others.
Read MoreTelling the Christmas Story, Even If You Can’t Hear
Most Maranatha School for the Deaf students were involved in this year’s Christmas play, “The Brand New Star,” directed by worker Eve Knepp. The Christmas story was reenacted by students, and the climactic moment came when the lit star moved across the front of the chapel as the wise men followed.
Read MoreGiving One’s Life
During our Christmas holidays my five year old granddaughter came to me and said, “Do you know what, Grandpa? I gave my heart to Jesus.” Bless that little heart! She told her mother, “When Jesus knocks, you must let him in!”
Read MoreEncouraging Our Brothers and Sisters in Trinidad
At a gathering of MCTT leaders, we addressed transactional vs. transformational leadership, dream-based coaching, leading change and other topics. The entire time was exciting and stimulating. To see firsthand what God has done and is doing in Trinidad left us energized.
Read More‘Sweet Sorrow’ as Eberlys Retire From Italy Ministry
Willard and Eva served in Italy with great energy and passion for the Word of God. They gave much of their lives to the growth and development of the church and its members. People shared their memories, showing the influence that they have had many over the years.
Read MoreThe Consequence of Christmas
When I think of consequences my mind first goes a rather negative direction. We call it the fear of consequences and are reminded that we reap what we sow, or are warned, “be sure your sins will find you out.” There are, however, good consequences.
Read MoreA True Presence for the Kingdom of God in Albania
Flying into the beautiful mountains of Albania, Esther and Myron Augsburger knew we were there for a new kind of mission. Esther was asked by the LAC board to stimulate an interest in a school art program. Myron met with church leaders and spoke in churches.
Read MoreMission and the “Ports of Paul”
Paul spent most of his life in seaports. The early church west of Palestine thrived primarily in port cities of the Mediterranean. This environment is where most of the mission drama occurs and the majority of Christians in the Roman Empire lived.
Read MoreZooks Teach English at Lezha Academic Center
Our task was to enhance language preparation for incoming 9th and 10th graders who will need to pursue all of their studies in English. While we worked on some foundational grammar and vocabulary, most of our class activities emphasized conversational communication.
Read MoreBike Shenandoah Sees a 55% Increase in Riders
One hundred and seven riders, a 55% increase from last year, enjoyed a trek through the Shenandoah Valley on a beautiful fall day. Bikers chose between a challenging 100-mile journey and an easy five mile jaunt, or something in between, as they traversed area back roads.
Read MoreGod’s Love Flows in Colotlan, Mexico
Members of Manantial de Vida traveled to Casa del Padre in Colotlan. This mission was founded by the Rosales family, who migrated to Harrisonburg more than 30 years ago. The Rosales became born-again Christians as a result of the Christ-love testimony they received.
Read MoreTrinidadian Mennonites Celebrate Freedom in Christ at Annual Meeting
The Mennonite Church of Trinidad & Tobago (MCTT) held its annual general meeting on “The Church in Jubilee,” reflecting the 50th anniversary of independence for Trinidad & Tobago. While the country celebrated independence, the church celebrated freedom in Christ.
Read MoreSomething Different in Italy
Pastors from Palermo, Vasto, and Bari taught on how we are different when we are transformed by Christ living in us. These lessons not only had an impact on the participants of the conference, but also on other guests and staff in the hotel. The hotel director said, “There is something different about you all.”
Read MoreIn Ecuador, an Amazing Reunion
My heart skipped a beat. I recognized that clown in the picture and I recognized that title. “I met you in Colombia,” I said. “You were at a meeting that I attended while I was on a Witness for Peace delegation. Do you remember me?” I asked excitedly.
Read MoreMission in the Middle
We formed deep friendships, explored diverse regions of the country, and were challenged and grew into new ministries and new ways of being. From our Colombian sisters and brothers we learned the high value of relationships and how to maintain them with intentionality.
Read MoreLet’s “transForm” Missions and the World
VMMissions’ transForm program is a support initiative intended to provide up to 50% of the support for long-term workers similar to the way we now support tranSend internships. VMMissions is creating a hybrid support model, combining the best of the new and the old.
Read MoreDwelling in Unity in a Divided Land
The kingdom of God is realized, in part, through the building of community between those who are perceived enemies. The ministry of Jesus is rooted deeply in authentic encounters with people of all kinds who need to hear the same message; Jesus is Lord.
Read MoreItalian “Happy Week” Expands to Impact Adolescents
Twenty-five kids overflowed Centro Koinonia’s facility for “Happy Week.” Maurita Eberly and Dino Colonna created a delightful musical that communicated the biblical story through narration, music, drama, and dance- utilizing the creativity and talent of these adolescents.
Read MoreMCTT’s Mentoring Move
In an uplifting worship of praise and fellowship, the five congregations of the Mennonite Church of Trinidad and Tobago (MCTT) gathered for a joint service held on Sunday, April 29, 2012 at Diego Martin Mennonite Church to install Bro. Ronald Latchman as Pastor Mentoree.
Read MorePaid to Serve the Lord?
Being paid to serve God does have its advantages. One advantage is that it increases the available time for service. In some cases missionaries have no other option. I am, however, interested in others who, like Paul, “haven’t made use of any of these rights.” We often call them tentmakers.
Read MoreCyclists Gear Up to Support Community Development and Missions
A new Bike Shenandoah effort this year is the Pedal Power initiative. Similar to Penny Power, VMC and Harrisonburg area churches will be challenged to ride their bikes to support community development work at home and abroad.
Read MoreAfrican Pentecostalism, a Recipe for Global Church Growth
Unlike Pentecostalism in North America, African Pentecostalism is driven by the Kingdom of God with Jesus Christ as its energy, power and motivation for congregational, personal and evangelical life.
Read MoreA Trip to Albania: Our Availability as God’s Instruments in Mission
Albania was a distant place we’d hear about through faithful missionaries, but being among many wonderful people transformed it to a nation and people we hold in our hearts and prayers in a profound new way.
Read MoreBrazilian Family Returns to Albania for Second Term
Rafael and Solange Tartari recently returned to Lezhë, Albania, following a home assignment visiting family and churches in Brazil. They will work collaboratively with the VMMissions mission team in Albania in their second term.
Read MoreExponential: Accelerating Multiplication
Exponential Conference has become a significant conference of leaders and practitioners engaged in God’s work of planting churches. Held annually in Orlando, Florida, this year’s conference included 5,000 people, with 24 persons attending through Virginia Mennonite Missions.
Read MoreLove and Boldness for Christ’s Glory
Where I once was completely timid and new to missions and speaking boldly of God’s love, I am learning the importance of sharing his love, even at the face of possible rejection. I continue learning love and boldness for Christ’s mission and glory.
Read MoreIn Christ, the Crooked Made Straight
I finally reached bottom and started thinking about God. His word, planted in my soul, still spoke to me. A tremendous inner battle raged. Although drawn back to church with a deep sense of guilt, I was still shackled to worldly friends and vices.
Read MoreNet·work·ing
Emily Gingerich has learned the importance of a team as she serves in the Czech Republic. The team has connected her with other mission workers, churches, and organizations with a common bond: wanting Czechs to know Jesus.
Read MoreWhen Waiting for God’s Spirit, Who Knows What Will Result!
Mark and Sarah Schoenhals were given the opportunity to share in village gatherings and to teach a Bible study for leaders of the LEC. Although their ability to communicate is still limited, these occasions brought them encouragement and renewed vision.
Read MoreReflections on the City of Rubble
My host’s voice carries a longing of someone who has lost a love. She sees through a lens of memory, now clouded with the blood, dust, and destruction of decades of war. She remembers more. I see only ruin.
Read MoreMedical Team Helps Hundreds in Haiti
When our medical team arrived in Haiti in February, we had a difficult time getting through customs with 14 suitcases of medication. We saw about 780 patients in five days of clinic.
Read MoreGod is Showing the Way in the Midst of Trials
Kristel, 14, is deaf and likes to sign “God is so good” from a worship song during worship at Jesus Deaf Church. Manuel, 21, has grown in confidence and faith, and now knows with certainty that God has called him to pastor our church.
Read MoreGod is Raising Up a New Pastoral Couple in Trinidad
Richard and Margaret Keeler quickly noticed the spiritual growth in a married couple at Sangre Grande Mennonite Church. Humble and teachable, they began participating in Friendship Bible Coffee (FBC) studies, and later became leaders, accepting additional responsibilities in the church.
Read MoreChickens, Pigs, and More at Maranatha School for the Deaf
We have been blessed to be a part of the work at Maranatha School for the Deaf and the local Mennonite Church. It’s awe-inspiring to see how God works in our lives and provides for us, the school, the church, and our friends.
Read More“Gracias a Dios” for Every Small Miracle
The Guatemalan people have been God’s light in my life. They have taught me to take higher value in my relationships, to stop worrying about the hour and instead focus on the present, and to be hospitable in my home, on the street, or in the bus.
Read More