Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
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An Accidental Hair Appointment?
Our time in Colombia has been, from the beginning, enveloped in relationship: who we have come to know, who has put down roots in our hearts, and who we cry for in prayer. God has sewn our lives inextricably into the lives of so many people here.
Read MoreThe Unfinished Task
Although those of us serving long-term with VMMissions face the constant challenge of overcoming spiritual barriers and strongholds, the persistent hope of establishing viable, Christ-centered churches with Italian leadership propels us forward.
Read MoreDoors for Ministry Open Through Italian Schools
The schools that our boys attend have become major areas of ministry for us. We help teach English in the middle school. This has been an open door to talk to and be a healthy example to youth that have few good adult role models to follow.
Read MoreMission Encouragements at Joshua Center
It has been a cold winter here in Lezhe, but we have been blessed in a lot of ways. The work at Joshua Center is going well. I can see God working in a very special way in the lives of the little ones.
Read MoreA Thirty-year Round Trip of Mission
Thirty years and the circle has come around complete. Only God knows what else will come around full circle in the next thirty years out of the obedience to the call of Jesus by his followers.
Read MoreMiraculous Turnaround at Lezha Academic Center
We have been through our share of fires this year at Lezha Academic Center. The first months of our ministry here were full of conflict. Each of us had days when we felt like throwing in the towel, but somehow we made it through.
Read MoreGod is a Rewarder!
Muslims are thirsty. We don’t want to just give them a drink, but to see their eyes opened to the well, to drink deep of God’s love for them, so that those rivers can begin to flow out from them as healing for their nations.
Read MoreWinds of the Spirit
The Spirit blows at will, we are told. We do not fully know its direction nor can we ever adequately predict its affect. We can, however, see some of the results and we have been told what fruit to look for. We do well to continue to look for “love, joy, peace” as evidence of where the Spirit is blowing.
Read MoreIn Christ, All Things New
Being unaware of the importance of marriage in God’s eyes, my marriage at a very young age soon proved to be a tragic mistake. After escaping that trap of anguish, I began pursuing what I hadn’t found. But this search only caused more suffering.
Read MoreMuch Given, Much Required
Scripture says that to the person who has much given to them, much will be required. Throughout my week in Belize, I was humbled and challenged by the training and counseling given again and again, the prayers offered, the food given freely.
Read MoreJamaica Mennonite Church Leader Dies
Pastor Morris Baker died in Kingston on February 15, 2012, after a five-month illness. He served as pastor of the Alpine Mennonite Church since 1995. He was appointed president of the Jamaica Mennonite Church in March 2011.
Read MoreGlobal Sisters Enrich My Life
I have the unusual privilege to visit church sisters in the Caribbean region several times a year. Talking with the women in their settings is heart-warming, and sometimes heart-rending. Global sisters show me that holding onto faith is imperative in this uncertain world.
Read MoreA Pause for Prayer at Life’s End
My patient was a young man with right leg swelling of several weeks’ duration. A large abscess in his thigh pressed on the large vein nearby, causing it to clot off. Clots of this nature are dangerous, because they can break loose and travel to the heart and lungs.
Read MoreSeeing in the New Year in Belize among the Deaf community
On December 31, all of Orange Walk, a tiny village in northern Belize, was preparing for welcoming in the New Year. Lots of people were shopping for food and drinks. The intermittent showers made us wonder if there really would be fireworks put off at midnight. At 8 p.m., Nancy Marshall’s house became “the place…
Read MoreMaranatha School for the Deaf celebrates Christmas with program
The poinsettia plants and Christmas bushes filled with white flowers bloom profusely along the roadsides, in gardens of well-kept homes and on the rough mountainsides. It’s Christmas time in Jamaica! There are fewer decorated houses and shorter celebrations on this Caribbean island, but the spirit of Christmas is wide spread. Everyone loves to give and…
Read MoreThe eye-opening reality of being sent, from everywhere to everywhere
As the boat cut through the grey water of Lake Toba, the stiff breeze slapped our faces awake. It was 7:00 am and the volcanic sides of the Northern Sumatran crater were still shrouded in morning mists. It occurred to me that my two Thai friends might need that chilling wind in their faces to…
Read MoreExtreme Makeover theme sparks renewal at Italian retreat
The annual retreat/vacation for Italian Mennonites took place this summer on the “heel” of Italy among the pine groves that shade the Ionic seacoast. Participants convened from extreme ends of Italy, from Turin in the north to Sicily in the south, with most coming from central Italy—representing various church affiliations. Following prayer time each morning,…
Read MoreService sows passion to see German youth grow in God
In reflecting over this past year on my mission-intern assignment in Kaiserslautern, Germany, I have been astounded in God revealing more of the passions and skills He has placed in me. I have the opportunity and blessing to live with nine Germans currently between the ages of 16-19 years old. The youth live here for…
Read MoreThe difference between hope and despair: refugees in Ecuador
As I was enjoying the company of a few Ecuadorian friends in late June, my cell phone unexpectedly rang. The anxious Colombian voice on the other end explained the details of a dilemma that has become a common story since I began working with the Colombian refugee population in Ecuador in December of last year:…
Read MoreMarie Shantal’s story: a very bad day in Haiti
Eight-year-old Marie Shantal went to school just like the other children in her middle class Haitian neighborhood on that fateful day in January 2010. But, as she walked home from school with her friends, the ground began to shake. Buildings fell around her. Thousands of people ran, screaming, into the streets! She got separated from…
Read MoreRemember, remember not
One of the paradoxes of the Bible is God’s call to remember but not dwell on the past. “Remember that you were a slave in Egypt and the LORD your God redeemed you from there,” declares Deuteronomy 24:18 (NRSV). That memory forms the basis of Israel’s identity. When remembrance turns to nostalgia, however, God has…
Read MoreVirginia youth build relationships with Jamaican community
On July 5, fourteen senior high youth and four adult leaders from Mountain View Mennonite church, in VMC’s Southern District, left the mountains of Virginia for the mountains of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. We were going to do a work project in the Top Hill community, where Rodney & Lindsey Nice were serving as missionaries with…
Read MoreMusic educator shares in worship with the Italian Mennonite Church
When Phil and Marcia Lehman left Bari, Italy in 2009, Centro Koinonia prayed fervently that God would provide musicians. Over the past two years, these prayers have been answered through church members like Luigi, Elena, Valentina, Francesco, Chris, and Melody. However, the church desired more training, prompting them to request that VMM send me as…
Read MoreHumility and growth: Partners in Mission turns 25
When I began working at VMM one year ago, the organization was in the midst of routine transition. A new strategic plan was in development, and several program directors were moving on from their posts. Like a plant entering a new season, the ongoing process of growth was being felt more acutely, in exciting and…
Read MoreLezha Academic Center opens first school year
The sounds of school ring loud and clear this September at Albanian Christian School’s Lezha Academic Center (LAC) in Lezhe, Albania. The city is located along the Adriatic Sea in the northwest corner of the country at the foothills of the Albanian Alps. Virginia Mennonite Missions has had a presence in this city of approximately…
Read MoreChildren in Bari, Italy, enjoy meaningful activities at “Happy Week”
What occupies the long summer days for children who live in high-rise apartment buildings in densely-populated Italian cities? Many parents ask this same question! In the South, parks are usually few, crowded, and poorly equipped. Apartments have limited space for active play. Recognizing this opportunity to meet a felt need, the Mennonite churches in Italy…
Read MoreEducator lays foundation for new partnerships in Israel, Palestinian Territories
Partners teams have traveled to the Palestinian Territories and Israel over the last 5 years to volunteer at Nazareth Village and teach English to local children. These groups have traveled the land, stayed with host families and learned quite a lot about Arab & Israeli history, life and culture in the Galilee. Through these successful…
Read MoreVirginia youth build playground, relationships with Jamaican community
What neither we as leaders and planners nor the youth anticipated was the rich fellowship with the deaf community of Top Hill… Over the coming years, I anticipate that these experiences will be the most valuable “things” that they brought back from Jamaica.
Read MorePartners pedals to Pittsburgh
It was a hot day in the City of Bridges as the group wound their way along bike paths and city streets. They were following a couple they met on the Three Rivers Trail a couple miles earlier who had offered to lead them in to the Convention Center in downtown Pittsburgh and were telling…
Read MoreIndonesian Mennonites promote interfaith dialogue
From mid-January to the end of March 2010, my wife Cathy and I were in Indonesia on a short-term Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) assignment during our sabbaticals, mine from Park View Mennonite Church, Cathy’s from Eastern Mennonite University. We stayed on the island of Java, in the city of Salatiga, centrally located on the island…
Read MoreInternational team takes leadership at Cornerstone Church, Lezhe, Albania
After faithfully serving the Albanian church in many capacities during the last five years, Leon and Naomi Zimmerman (Rosedale Mennonite Missions workers) have terminated their missionary service. Leadership of the Lezhe church has now been passed on to a newly chosen “church council” composed of three Albanian believers who will collaborate closely with the three…
Read MoreIntroducing new Virginia Mennonite Missions staff
Aaron Kauffman, Global Ministries Director Aaron Kauffman will begin serving in a quarter-time position as Global Ministries Director for VMMissions on June 1. This new position convenes and leads a team of four regional directors with responsibility for VMMissions’ global relationships and ministries. Aaron served in Ethiopia with Eastern Mennonite Missions and more recently with…
Read MoreIt all looks different
Learning to drive in Thailand is a metaphor for our first year here. Driving on the left side of the road makes for a whole new view of the journey. Shifting gears and looking in the mirrors are all reversed. Passing and turning are challenges requiring careful thought. Which way do you instinctively look first…
Read MorePlaying, laughing, talking, building relationships
There are many teenagers in Palermo (population about 80,000) and just 2% of them know what it means to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus. Andrea and Sheila Crocivera are involved with Youth for Christ and tranSend in a project to reach them. In November we opened a youth center called MY SPACE…
Read More“Full circle” after forty years
With youthful excitement, we eagerly researched the Italian city where we would serve after language school in Florence. Finally, we were going to fulfill the call to missions we’d both received years before! Vasto—a coastal city amid vineyards and olive groves on the foothills of the Abruzzo mountains in central Italy—was to be our destination.…
Read MoreLCC International University hosts ecumenical conference
About a month ago, LCC hosted our 2nd annual Congregational Development Conference on the theme, “Proclaiming the Gospel in Contemporary Lithuania.” Once again, there was a good response and participants from almost all church groups in Lithuania. Steve had a brief opening address on “Discussing theology in a liberal arts setting.” He attempted to share…
Read MoreInside and outside the hospital in Honduras
God works in mysterious ways, so mysterious that it is often easy to miss the ways He’s working, especially when times get challenging. Thank God His plan does not depend on whether we understand it or not. That is how I would sum up my first year in Siguatepeque, Honduras—recognizing a call without fully understanding…
Read MoreAnticipating God’s amazing ways
Wow! What a year it has been. A year ago I was busily finishing my last semester of college while preparing for this mission year by accomplishing seemingly endless forms, personality/spiritual tests, interviews and trainings in Pennsylvania. I knew I was being called into missions, but wasn’t exactly sure where, how or when. May EMU…
Read MoreActions speak louder than language barriers
“Good morning.” “Buenos dias.” “Alli punsha.” In the small Ecuadorian jungle community of Arajuno, these three languages, English, Spanish and Kichwa, flowed together harmoniously as a group of 10 men from Nebraska, three Colombians and I worked alongside the local indigenous people to help them construct a new church building. During a week of hard…
Read MoreInvesting (missionally) for long-term dividends
Our first term here in Bari was spent learning; culture, language, people and places. When we came back for our second term, we had no idea what God had in store for us, but we felt it would be good. We can now confirm that it has been a wonderful experience! Upon our return in…
Read MoreCloseness and joy through shared ties
In November 2010 the country mice became city mice, and moved from their lush, green dairy farm in Dayton, Virginia, to a block house in the center of the concrete-covered world of La Mesa, Colombia. Since that time we have been learning to live in a completely different way, interpreting the new sounds of honking…
Read MorePlanting Seeds in Jacó
We call the program Vida 220 referring to Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” Nine participants from four different countries live in community at the mission base in the mountains near Heredia, Costa Rica. Every week we attend classes, hear lectures on a…
Read MoreMiracles of transformation among the deaf in Belize
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalm 9:10 Miracles of transformation: This year two more young deaf people were baptized. Both are in their 20s. One has been coming to our church ever since the first time we gathered for worship in…
Read MoreCompany, connections and comfort food
I vigorously mashed potatoes by hand in the stainless steel kettle to feed nine persons around the table. Being emotionally exhausted this week, I had felt that I needed to push myself to do each of my responsibilities: Tuesday morning Bible study at the church in the village of Kemishtaj, Wednesday afternoon English lesson at…
Read MoreLiving out our faith like Monjira
Recently, I have missed my family. The cultural divide between me and my neighbors has seemed huge. In thinking about how the cultural practice of seclusion hurts women, I have felt in despair. Every Thursday I go to Monjira’s neighborhood and meet with three women to study the Bible. They are wives of men who…
Read MoreGod’s unexpected movement in Jamaica
In the past year God has been moving in our community here in Top Hill, Jamaica. One way we’ve seen this is in the growth of our Wednesday night Bible study from being nonexistent to consistently having more than 15 persons attend. In the course of working at ministering to persons in the community by…
Read MorePrayers felt in Albania
God gives us the opportunity to be His servants. He enables us to serve Him as He inspires and motivates us to do His will. My work with the Roma people has its up and down seasons. All of this brings me closer to God. Right now I am giving praise to God for the…
Read MoreJamaica Mennonite Church Conference Delivers Deep Impact
The 53rd annual conference of the Jamaica Mennonite Church was held March 4-6, 2011, in Kingston. Delegates gathered on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday to discuss reports from congregations and directors of various areas of church work. Rajin and Sheriza Sookharry represented the Mennonite Church of Trinidad & Tobago at the conference.
Read MoreNew witness launched in central Italy
Termoli, an ancient and modern city several hours north of Bari, Italy, of approximately 50,000 people, is situated among the coastal hills overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Guarded by a picturesque castle, it nestles among flourishing olive groves and vineyards. Although without an established believers’ church witness, God is at work to carry out His purposes…
Read MoreThe Global Family of Faith
A church conference dare not exist for itself. Myopic or extended self-absorbed attention tends to devolve into defensiveness and mere maintenance. It is for these reasons that I believe in missions. The church must always think beyond itself and risk its life for the sake of others.
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