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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Michael and Ruth Hershey family

VMMissions Hosts Prayer as Mission Seminar

VMMissions workers Michael and Ruthy Hershey led a seminar on October 17 and 18 focused on engaging prayer as the foremost tool given to us by which to engage in God’s mission and see God’s purposes unfold in our lives and in our world.

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Bike Shenandoah 2020

Bike Shenandoah Riders Pedal in Memory of Steve Leaman

On a crisp September morning, the largest number of riders in Bike Shenandoah’s history rode in memory of Steve Leaman, a beloved former principal, educator, and VMMissions staff member. The 133 riders pedaled to raise money for six organizations.

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Motorcycle for Missions

Motorcycles Go the Distance for Missions

In September, 24 motorcycle riders covered a total of 419 miles in support of the ministries of VMMissions. Despite ominous skies, the first group left Harrisonburg early Friday morning, and met up with other riders at Powhatan Mennonite Church.

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Steve Leaman

VMMissions Announces Stephen R. Leaman Memorial Endowment for Missions

VMMissions is honored to announce to the public the Stephen R. Leaman Memorial Endowment for Missions, which will benefit three areas of ministry.

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Dan and Mary Hess

Worker Profile: Dan and Mary Hess

Dan and Mart serve in the town of Milot, Albania, where they focus on building relationships to lead people to Jesus. They are involved in children’s ministry, discipling new believers, and training emerging leaders.

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Call to Prayer: Cherishing What God Speaks

We are in the process of moving into a new home. I realized that in our 14 years of our marriage, we have moved 14 times, not to mention all the transitions each time we came back to the States for home ministry assignments! I wondered sorrowfully how that reality has impacted our children. Then God brought me comfort by reminding me that we have not only survived all of this transition, but have been able to thrive.

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Prepared in Cusco for Service in Virginia

My identity and understanding of the world and the gospel are forever changed by the opportunity I had to grow up as a TCK in Cusco, Peru. I remember an empowering conversation with my mother before leaving for Peru, where I was given a say in this decision to move. Making this choice at age seven deepened the degree to which I took on the role of “missionary.”

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A World United Under God’s Love

God’s love and grace have shaped my identity as his child. I have had the blessing of serving on a few mission trips and have also assisted in after-school tutoring. I realize now that the fire to serve others was sparked as others invested in me and my community. I strive to see others as God sees us—as one body of Christ, as being equal.

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Back Home

A poem by Anna (not her real name), a TCK who grew up in Central and West Asia.

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For Different Seasons Blow Different Winds

I am an American, a TCK, a young adult, etc. But oftentimes it seems that we blot out our most important identification, our foundation: we are children of God. With this fact in mind, suddenly, the fact that I am a TCK no longer seems to weigh on me. I will encounter misunderstandings because of it, of course, but I have a greater purpose and longing that my heart seeks after.

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Thankful for a Life of Paradoxes

I like being a TCK because I get to see and do things a lot of people don’t get to. For example, I have learned to do Thai dancing and to cook Thai food. I have made friends who live in many countries. But sometimes I don’t like being a TCK because I don’t really fit in anywhere.

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Dara Showalter

Joy and Mourning

Growing up as a TCK, I experienced a lot of opposites. The window is symbolic of all the windows into the lives of the people around me that were opened to me because of my TCK experience.

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