Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
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A Day in the Life of Nancy Marshall
Nancy Marshall lives and works in Orange Walk Town Belize She shares a window into a typical day for her as she juggles pastoring the Jesus’ Deaf Church, parenting, and tutoring.
Read MoreRelationships Over Accomplishments
Each day brings a new challenge at Maranatha School for the Deaf. But it’s not Caleb’s usual work that is challenging, it’s the fact that he can never get done what he sets out to accomplish during the day. But God is showing him that relationships are more important to cultivate.
Read MoreCelebrating 40 Years of God’s Faithfulness in Trinidad
MCTT celebrated its 40th anniversary in a blessed and uplifting weekend. The work that began in 1974 has led to five congregations. For this huge milestone in the life of the Trinidadian church, 26 fraternal guests from the United States and one from Jamaica joined in the occasion.
Read MoreGiving Ourselves Away
In a season of uncertainty for our denomination, it’s easy to adopt a mentality of scarcity. The problem with this kind of thinking, according to Jesus, is that in keeping our lives to ourselves, we’ll actually end up losing them. Self-preservation may be a natural instinct, but it’s not a gospel mentality.
Read MoreIn Step With the Spirit
Are we attentive to the Holy Spirit? How do we tell what the Spirit of God is saying to us? Those are key questions, whether we’re discerning our personal vocation, making a major decision, or charting a course as a church. The early Anabaptists wrestled with this question, too.
Read MoreTemples of the Holy Spirit
Bethany was walking down the road one day when a motorcycle taxi driver buzzed by, then turned around and came back. He asked, “What’s your religion?” “We believe in the Lord Jesus,” Bethany answered. He nodded and buzzed away, only to circle back, asking, “What temple do you worship in?”
Read MoreDeaf Young People in Belize Enjoy VBS
Every summer our church has a Vacation Bible School (VBS) program primarily for Deaf people ages 10 and up, including hearing siblings in that age range who want to come. It included worship, memory verses, Bible stories and a drama to make it clear.
Read MorePrayer is the Greatest Role for MSTs
Ministry Support Teams are drawn into the dynamic of God at work, where community forms around God’s mission. They jointly shoulder the financial challenges, and are invited to focus on prayer and to experience joy when the “many wonders” begin to unfold.
Read MoreGrace Mennonite’s Mission to the Philippines
Over thirty years ago, Larry Vitor, a young, hopeful Filipino pastor picked up an article written by Pastor Richard Early, and he decided to write a letter requesting that Richard be his prayer partner. Richard wrote him back, and this journey began.
Read MoreWill Our Faith Have Children?
Numbers are only one measure of success, and maybe not the best one. Faithfulness—our primary aim—does not always yield impressive figures. The potency of God’s kingdom movement lies not in us, but in the message of Jesus we’ve been entrusted to share.
Read MoreEnding on a High Note
It was so rewarding for us to have “our children” sing for and with the EMHS choir. At the end, the children came out to the choir circle and joined hands had special meaning, as their benediction words were directed to the children they had just played with.
Read MoreNew tranSend Interns Commissioned for Service
Members of the new tranSend class were commissioned in a meaningful time of worship at On Sunny Slope Farm, near Dayton, Va., on July 17, 2016. Peter Eberly, lead pastor of Eastside Church, spoke both challenge and encouragement based on Isaiah 42.
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