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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Building a network of Mennonite relationships in Germany

This past October, we had a gathering of the network we have been forming, a pivotal step in a journey we started almost two years ago when coming to Germany. Sixteen adults, along with ten children participated in a weekend long session, marking the first gathering of many of the people we have gotten to…

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Thanksgiving celebration in Italy introduces new traditions

[dropcap]Thanksgiving[/dropcap] is the beginning of the American holiday season and can be a time of struggle for those of us living in another culture and missing family and friends back home. It is also an opportunity to create new traditions, to share a bit of our culture with our friends and contacts here, and to…

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A visit to Purok Pluto’s coffee fields

[dropcap]We[/dropcap] rose early on a Sunday morning and accompanied a group of Purok Pluto’s farmers into the coffee fields to observe and participate in the harvest of the coffee cherries. As we hung the plastic collection buckets around our necks and followed the farmers down the slope into the rows of coffee trees, the chilly…

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Learning to receive

[dropcap]God[/dropcap] loves a cheerful giver. There is joy in giving. It is better to give than to receive. We have been taught the importance of giving, but what about those times when we find ourselves on the receiving end? I was recently visiting a neighbor who lost her husband in a construction accident early this…

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¡Hagámoslo juntos! Let’s do this together!

. Mennonite Hispanic Initiative hosts first retreat for leaders “Hagámoslo juntos!” or “Let’s do this together!” was the first-ever Mennonite Hispanic Initative (MHI) leaders retreat at Highland Retreat. Four Spanish-speaking churches from the Harrisonburg area were represented: Iglesia Discipular Anabaptista, El Camino Discipular, Enciende Una Luz and Iglesia de Dios de la Profecía. Twenty-six church…

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Dianna Lehman Hired as Executive Assistant and Human Resources Manager

Dianna Lehman joins VMMissions as Executive Assistant and Human Resources Manager to provide administrative support to the President, handle logistics for the Board of Directors and manage HR for staff and mission workers.

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Sister Care seminar in Trinidad “part of God’s master plan”

Forty-two women participated in a Sister Care seminar held in St. Helena, Trinidad October 31-November 2. Marsha Ragoonath coordinated the event attended by women from the five Mennonite churches in Trinidad with two women participating from the Jamaica Mennonite Church. Carolyn Heggen, psychotherapist specializing in trauma healing, and Rhoda Keener, Mennonite Women USA co-director, led…

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A day in the life of Nancy Marshall

Nancy Marshall lives and works in Orange Walk Town Belize She shares a window into a typical day for her as she juggles pastoring the Jesus’ Deaf Church, parenting, and tutoring. 5:00 am I wish I were running, but I can’t seem to get up this early! (Please pray about this for me.) By 6:00,…

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Relationships over accomplishments

Things here have been wonderful, terrible, emotional, lonely, but yet peaceful all at the same time. It is hard to explain all the emotions. Each day brings a new challenge. The handy man work or feeding the chickens isn’t the challenge. What’s challenging is to never get done what I set out to accomplish during…

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New team in training to coordinate Quito refugee project

Work with the refugee project never ceases to be an enormously busy task with tough challenges in trying to stay on top of hundreds of complicated and difficult cases of families that continually arrive, mostly from Colombia. During the past year alone, I interviewed 333 refugee families and followed up on many of their cases…

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Celebrating 40 years of God’s faithfulness in Trinidad

God has been in control of the Mennonite Church of Trinidad and Tobago (MCTT) from its inception. The work that began in 1974 has led to a total of five congregations: Diego Martin, Charlieville, Chaguanas, Esperanza, and Sangre Grande. MCTT celebrated its 40th anniversary in a blessed and uplifting weekend, October 16-19, with the theme,…

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Support Christian schools around the world

Partner with VMMissions to support students in Christian schools around the world. Select a school below to learn how you can support the students and giving projects at each school. There are currently two schools that VMMissions supports: The Joshua Center (Albania) and Maranatha School for the Deaf (Jamaica). The Joshua Center is an early…

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