Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
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Sharing the Good News in Switzerland
I wasn’t sure if my writing and work on spirituality in the United States would connect with the people of Europe, but the loneliness, brokenness and hunger for a deeper relationship with God is as evident here as at home.
Read MoreLifestyle Evangelism
Do we have the courage to live such radical lives of obedience to Jesus that we stand out from our culture, and perhaps even suffer for it? Do we have the humble confidence to bear witness to the gospel among our family members, neighbors, and coworkers?
Read MoreSowing Seeds of Good News
A number of workers and staff share holy moments of gospel seeds being sown in the everyday, right here and now. How will God use these interactions to draw people from his diverse creation back to himself?
Read MoreIn Word and With Power
In a slum community in a large Asian city, Anita and Yosiah have gained their community’s trust through deeds of love. Now they ask, “How do we proclaim the gospel holistically? People know we live here and do what we do because we are followers of Jesus.”
Read MoreLoving Our Neighbors in Jail
Jason has seen firsthand the deep hunger for connection to God and loving fellowship that inmates have in the Rockingham Regional Jail. Since being appointed as a VMMissions worker to serve as jail chaplain, he has been introduced to the lives of many men who are serving sentences there.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Praying Together
Sarah Showalter’s “team” for the last several years has been a small prayer group of young adults from her congregation, Ridgeway Mennonite Church. After joining another couple for an evening of prayer, “we weren’t intending to start a prayer group, but then we were hooked.”
Read MoreBecoming One: God’s Purpose for Community
“Teamwork was never one of my strengths as a child,” Crystal Lehman writes. In fact, I often avoided working in teams if I could. If I was alone, I could make sure every detail was just right. Depending on others felt too risky. But God challenged me by putting me in situations where I needed others.”
Read MoreBetter Together
Mission’s dual foundation of absolute rest in the love of God and commitment to God’s is best maintained in community. We need others to hold us accountable, worship with us, encourage us, and make the logistics of ministry possible.
Read MoreThe Wisdom of Teams
Have you ever tried playing baseball by yourself? Or singing four-part harmony alone? There are some things you simply can’t do without the help of others. We believe mission is one of them. I want to share five ways why team is our preferred mode of engaging in mission.
Read MoreGod’s Worldwide Team
Discipleship has been our focus for our ministry here in Montenegro. Our desire is to introduce Christ and the concepts for his kingdom, and help the church sort out what that looks like in this culture. We talk a great deal about building a bridge instead of a wall.
Read MoreLoving Our Refugee Neighbors
The couple of hundred refugees that Harrisonburg receives each year, coming from places such as Syria, Eritrea, Iraq, Cuba, and Congo, are not helpless people that we should feel bad for. In fact, it’s quite the opposite—they are fighters that we should respect.
Read MoreCoworkers for the Kingdom
The church often longs for heroes, just like our broader culture. We want spiritual giants whose gifts and charisma loom larger than life. Even so, I’d like to suggest that heroes are not the primary way God brings about transformation in the world.
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