Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
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Worker Profile: Anna Renfro
Anna’s assignment in Mannheim, Germany, is to support the ministries of Dave and Rebekka Stutzman as well as to serve at a local refugee center called Friedenshaus. Most of her time is spent in the afterschool youth program Kinderreich in nearby Heidelberg.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Life Lessons
“With our two-month-old fourth daughter in arms, we went through our training. It was all a blur, with the exception of one so very important word that God spoke to me while I was fetching something from our parked car. It stopped me in my tracks. ‘You think you are doing this for me. No, I am doing this for you,'” Carol writes.
Read MoreGod Says, “You Are Adequate”
John David Thacker, VMMissions’ most recently appointed church planter, has heard God’s call to plant an Anabaptist peace church in Charleston, W.Va. A particular word of affirmation from the Lord has been a significant encouragement to him during this challenging season of relocation.
Read MoreCelebrating God’s Faithfulness
When civil war broke out in El Salvador, it brought years of suffering and fear for Alfonso and his family. They endured brutal violence and saw loved ones, friends and neighbors die or go missing. On three occasions, Alfonso felt bullets passing near him. “I knew that God was preserving my life for a purpose,” he writes.
Read MoreCalled Out of the Fire
A testimony of God’s call to live and serve in a slum community became a turning point for Yosiah. Then a large fire broke out in the slum community. Helping with the fire response for a week, the experience showed him the path that the Lord wanted for his life.
Read MoreAn Invitation That Leads to Life
“Upon meeting an older worker in our early days in North Africa, I was proud to hear him say, ‘God called a lot of talented, intelligent people to do this work.’ I was then stunned as he finished, ‘…but they said no. So here we are,'” Opal writes.
Read MoreWorker profile: Jay and Em
Em is teaching English Language Learning for elementary students and is mentoring a student teacher. Jay is a business developer for transformational educational businesses, mentors leadership teams to develop sustainable witness, and is helping to start a new preschool. (Names changed)
Read MoreCall to Prayer: The Posture of Persistent Hope
In the face of the louder voices and the evening news, our job is to vigorously hold on to the hope that God will fulfill his purposes, not by might, not by strength, but by his Spirit!
Read MoreGod At Work in Winston-Salem
We met Selenny and her son Cristian through Gladys. As his teacher assistant, Gladys sensed that Cristian needed extra support and reached out to us as a church for help. We began to build a relationship with them both. Soon, both Selenny and Cristian gave their lives to Jesus.
Read MoreThe Costly Call of Christ
When we heed the Lord’s call, we never know where we’ll end up. There will be sacrifice and hardship. But there will also be unspeakable joy. Like countless generations of sojourners before us, may we have the courage to say yes to God’s call.
Read MoreGod At Work in Bari, Italy
“We have had opportunities to meet people who are beginning to be attentive to the truth of the word of God. We can see a change. Serving our God allows us to experience an eternal purpose to our days. We are neither bored nor fruitless!” writes former tranSender Fabrizio Perfetti.
Read MoreThe Hope to Create Community
Vicki Barnes has seen a deep yearning among students for friendship, especially after months of social distancing, periods of isolation, and not meeting new people. Her hope is that God will use her to help students on campus grow in their relationship with God.
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