Formation in Mission
Current opportunities:
Serve with Viva Youth in Colombia
Serve as an intern with Viva Youth, a ministry based in Bogotá that partners with local churches in children’s ministry and building faith community for young adults exiting the Colombian foster care system called Primos and Primas in the community.
Read MoreUnited States: Highland Retreat Ministry Intern
Disciple young people in faith at camp while serving in a beautiful outdoor setting at Highland Retreat! This assignment works with the camp director and staff to oversee the operations of Highland Retreat as it engages in faith formation for children and youth.
Read MoreUnited States: Worship and Campus Ministry
Minister to college students through worship gatherings, Bible studies, one-on-one meetings, and in other ways at colleges in the Shenandoah Valley: Eastern Mennonite University, James Madison University, Bridgewater College, or Mary Baldwin University.
Read MoreThailand: Pioneer Church Planting
Respond to God’s call to help a Thai network of believers expand into new villages and focus on faith formation among new believers and the second and third generation believers. Join a ministry team with long-term workers engaging and serving with Life Enrichment Church.
Read MoreWorkplace Ministry and Formation in Mission
In this one-year assignment, stay in your current job or start a new one while receiving training and biweekly connection with a tranSend cohort, learning about how to share good news in workplace contexts and approach any job with a kingdom perspective.
Read MoreCentral Asia: Transformational Business
Learn about international businesses that transform communities through an assignment with long-term workers that involves incarnational living, language learning, and sharing good news in the context of businesses designed to meet local needs with God-honoring work and just compensation.
Read MoreSouth Asia: Media and Tech Intern
Join a team with current VMMissions workers and use your media and technology skills as an intern prepared to learn and serve as you enhance the outreach ministry to Muslim-background persons and connect with new believers as you study language and culture.
Read MoreAlbania: Teacher’s Assistant for Preschool
Serve as a teacher’s assistant for the Joshua Center preschool, working with the Roma population of Lezhë, Albania. Work with Joshua Center director Norma Teles and other preschool teachers to educate and share the good news of Jesus with children.
Read MoreGermany: Church Planter and Discipleship Pioneer
Explore church planting and discipleship in the urban, post-Christian setting of Mannheim, Germany, known as one of the more intercultural cities in Germany. Join a team and help to resource a national network for persons interested in living out the gospel in their culture.
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Not sure where to start?
Get in touch with Kierston Kreider, Mission Mobilizer, and he’ll work with you to identify what opportunities might be a good fit.