Sowing seeds of good news

A family outing in South Asia

Holy moments right here and now: mission workers and staff share fresh stories of gospel seeds being sown in the course of their everyday lives. “God, may you bring the fruit!”

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In Word and with Power

Grace reads a Bible story book

In a slum community in a large Asian city, Anita and Yosiah have gained their community’s trust through deeds of love. Now they ask, “How do we proclaim the gospel holistically?”

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Loving our neighbors in jail

Jason Wagner, appointed to serve as chaplain at the Rockingham Regional Jail. Courtesy photo   By Jason Wagner I have seen firsthand the deep hunger for connection to God and loving fellowship that inmates have in the Rockingham Regional Jail. Since being appointed as a VMMissions worker to serve as jail chaplain, I have been…

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Call to Prayer: Praying Together

Sarah Showalter

  By Sarah Showalter “The difference between success and failure is a great team.” —Dave Kerpen “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” —Michael Jordan “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” —Helen Keller “Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results.” —Ifeanyi Onuoha “Sticks…

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Becoming one: God’s purpose for community

Teachers at Buenos Aires International Christian Academy in Argentina.

Crystal Lehman (second from right) works with an international team of teachers who actively support each other to love and effectively educate the students at Buenos Aires International Christian Academy in Argentina. Photo courtesy of Crystal Lehman   By Crystal Lehman ​Missions has always played an important role in my life. I am, however, still…

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Better together

Steve and Bethany’s Isaan friends help with evangelism efforts to share the Good News with other Isaan people over pizza at the Horst’s home in Bangkok. Photo by Steve Horst

Bethany and Steve desire to enhance their evangelism and discipleship ministry among Isaan migrant workers in Bangkok, Thailand, by again bringing a team together.   Steve and Bethany’s Isaan friends help with evangelism efforts to share the Good News with other Isaan people over pizza at the Horst’s home in Bangkok. Photo by Steve Horst…

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The Wisdom of Teams

Aaron M. Kauffman

Have you ever tried playing baseball by yourself? Or singing four-part harmony alone? There are some things you simply can’t do without the help of others. We believe mission is one of them. I want to share five ways why team is our preferred mode of engaging in mission.

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God’s worldwide team

Steve Campbell outside the church in Montenegro.

Steve and Laura work with the leadership team of one of only five evangelical churches in the country of Montenegro, with a focus on discipling believers, and a vision for growth.   Vladimir Cizmanski and Steve Campbell meet to plan various activities at the church. Photo by Janet Blosser   By Steve Campbell When Laura…

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Loving our refugee neighbors

Eve, Benjamin, and Natacha, teenaged refugees from DR Congo, helped the author distribute cookies to Sentara RMH employees working on Christmas Eve. Photo courtesy of Ben Emswiler

By Ben Emswiler It was yet another very cold night in Harrisonburg, Virginia, as we searched for a parking space outside of James Madison University’s Convocation Center where JMU was hosting Eastern Mennonite University in a cross-town men’s basketball game. I apologized to my Congolese friends in the car with me for having to park…

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Coworkers for the Kingdom

Aaron M. Kauffman

The church often longs for heroes, just like our broader culture. We want spiritual giants whose gifts and charisma loom larger than life. Even so, I’d like to suggest that heroes are not the primary way God brings about transformation in the world.

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