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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Twinkle’s journey: The education of a Kalinga missionary in the Philippines

Twinkle (right) in Kalinga with her mission mentor Rev. Daniel Pantoja (center), during a time of fellowship with her newly-organized mission community. Photo: Bryan Jay Nahag Paler . When she was five years old, Twinkle Algag Bautista gazed at the sun’s rays and wondered “Where is this? Where is my homeland? Where is Kalinga?” In…

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Learning to Walk After Jesus

In the slum outskirts of a large Southeast Asian city, Yosiah and Anita live and serve among the poorest of Asia’s people. In a place of few economic hopes, they manifest the love of Jesus and work to bring hope to their community through transformational discipleship.   A view along the street where Yosiah and…

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Come to the table

In the southern Italian context where Chris and Melody Riddle and their three sons served for eight years, sharing food and friendship around a table is where evangelism and discipleship can have the most openings. . . Micah, Adam & Isaiah enjoy a New Year’s meal with friends at the home of Elena’s sister. Photo:…

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Know Them by Their Fruit

What motivates you? What underlying beliefs and values inform the decisions you make? These are hard questions for many people to answer. Our convictions and motivations often lie below the surface, beyond our full awareness. Yet they are at work all the time.

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Potomac District Council meets at Washington Community Fellowship

Potomac District Council met on January 10 at Washington Community Fellowship. Sixteen people gathered, including Potomac District Council Church pastors and delegates. After welcoming remarks and introduction, District Minister Luke Schrock-Hurst led devotional session. He shared Menno Simons’ message, “True Evangelical Faith Lie Dormant” in 1539. The message emphasized serving the poor neighbors: “It clothes…

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Gospel openings but few workers in Hmong villages

Last December, I was part of a team that took 730 pairs of glasses and two pair of hearing aids that were donated to the Lion’s Club to Thailand. These were distributed among seven villages (six were Hmong and one was non-Hmong). The majority of the people who received the glasses were non-Christians, and it…

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Renewing our Connections

For the past 25 years, Virginia Mennonite Conference (VMC) and VMMissions have shared the publication, Connections. VMC Executive Conference Minister Clyde Kratz and Aaron Kauffman discuss challenges and dreams that have emerged about this communication tool.

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Milk plant builds trust in Kosova

My love of working with dairy cows and my desire to follow God has led me here to live and work in the beautiful country of Kosova. God has guided my paths faithfully, and I have sensed His presence throughout my time here. I have been here for five months, and for four of those…

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New wineskins, new wine

“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wine-skins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” —Mark 2:22 (NIV) I can’t tell you how many times I have read Mark 2:22, certainly more than I can count.…

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Meaningful work, God’s provision

By Katrina Schmid This first-year teaching business literally takes over your life. I am trying to make a practice of taking one day a week to not think or do anything school related for the whole day, but I still find myself thinking about projects I could do, tests I need to make, and how…

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ACG projects expand the scope of ministry

Thanks to your generosity, more than $3,500 was contributed through the Alternative Christmas Gift project. Our workers are so grateful for these funds, which support projects that go beyond the scope of their budgets. These alternative gifts make a tangible difference in the lives of those connected to our workers around the globe. From school…

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Aaron M. Kauffman

More With Less?

Virginia Mennonite Missions has seen an exponential increase in adult mission workers in 1+ year assignments, but our level of staffing has remained nearly the same. More surprisingly, undesignated contributions have actually decreased. How can VMMissions do more with the same, or even a little less?

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