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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Staff who worked with VMMissions accreditation.

VMMissions Short-term Programs Now Accredited

VMMissions is excited to announce that it has passed the accreditation process with Standards of Excellence in Short-term Missions (SOE) and is now a fully accredited member.

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Baptisms on the beach in Thailand

Grants Received for Thailand Anabaptist Gathering

Anabaptist believers from Thailand and Laos gathered together in Chonburi, Thailand, for a rich time of lively worship, fellowship and interactive teaching at the 4th Thailand Anabaptist Gathering (TAG), October 8-12, 2018.

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Mission Fund Update

Results of Fiscal Year End Campaign

We are seeing the fruit of changed lives and communities that God is producing through our ministries! Like an abundant harvest, a great deal of work lies behind these fruitful ministries. Thank you for making this possible.

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NT Wright

N.T. Wright to Give Lectures in Harrisonburg, VA

Prolific writer and New Testament scholar N.T. Wright will give a series of presentations on “Discerning the Dawn” in Harrisonburg, Va., November 13-14.

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Ann Hershberger

Parents of Missionaries Event is May 17

Join other local parents of missionaries for an evening of encouragement and fellowship on May 17, from 6pm to 7:30pm. Presenter Ann Hershberger will talk about “How to be Present when Absent.”

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Mission Fund Update

2017 Mission Fund Goal Exceeded

Thank you for helping us extend the great chain of disciples who make disciples who make disciples. We slightly exceeded our 2017 fiscal-year-end goal of $110,000!

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2017 Worker Commissioning and Taste of Missions

You are invited to celebrate the commissioning of new mission workers at the Friday evening worship service of Virginia Mennonite Conference Assembly, held at Park View Mennonite Church on Friday, July 21.

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Thai Anabaptists Gather for Encouragement on the Journey

Most of the 150 people who attended the Thai Anabaptist Gathering from September 27 to October 1, 2016, were Thai, Isaan, and Lao first-generation Buddhist background believers who are growing in Anabaptist identity.

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EMM Christian Muslim Relations Team

EMM Christian/Muslim Relations Team to Present at Public Forum

Members of the EMM Christian/Muslim Relations Team, will present on Thursday, October 27, 2016 in Martin Chapel. The goal of the forum is learning how to be better equipped to know, love, and share Jesus with Muslim members of our community.

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Festival of Praise

Festival of Praise to Benefit VMMissions on November 6

The Festival of Praise is an annual praise-filled concert of men’s a cappella singing groups and combined chorus directed by Jared Stutzman. This year, the Festival celebrates 15 years of song and raising money for Virginia Mennonite Missions.

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Dr. Scot McKnight

Kingdom Vision as a Way of Life with Dr. Scot McKnight

Dr. Scot McKnight, author of The Kingdom Conspiracy, will speak in a series of events in Harrisonburg, September 28-29, 2016. Hosted by a partnership of agencies including VMMissions, Dr. McKnight will speak on the theme “Kingdom Vision as a Way of Life.”

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Mission Fund Update

Mission Fund Goal Met!

Thank you for your generous support in helping us not only meet our 2016 Mission Fund goal, but exceed it! With God’s help and your gifts, we have successfully completed another year of making disciples in the way of Christ among neighbors near and far.

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