Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
Stay informed of all the latest VMMissions news.
Riders Raise Over $25,000 at 25th Annual Bike Shenandoah
On September 18, 2021, nearly 100 bicyclists participated in Bike Shenandoah, raising over $25,000 to be shared evenly among its six partnering entities, including VMMissions and the Stephen R. Leaman Memorial Endowment for Missions.
Read MoreDeclaring the Healing Power of Jesus
I want to share two recent stories of the healing only Jesus can bring. Dramatic physical healing is not always our experience today, yet Scripture promises that the cross is God’s ultimate answer to the sickness of sin. Your generosity makes these stories possible.
Read MoreVMMissions to Host Fall Cohort on Cultivating a Life of Prayer
Prayer continues to emerge as a priority as VMMissions looks ahead at the next decade. One concrete opportunity is available this fall: Michael and Ruth Hershey will be leading a three-month exploration and discovery called “Cultivating a Life of Prayer.”
Read MoreKauffman Reappointed to Third Term as VMMissions President
The Board of Directors of Virginia Mennonite Missions announces the reappointment of Aaron M. Kauffman as President for a third four-year term, beginning January 1, 2022.
Read MoreWorker profile: Norma Teles
Norma is the director of the Joshua Center, which provides a safe place for Roma children and encourages the participation of the family, helping them to be involved in positive ways with their children’s development. She also connects regularly through a girls club with girls aged 9-19 and with a group of mothers.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: The Honor of Co-Laboring
“God really does want to teach us to pray,” Ruth writes. “Prayer has become much more than something that we ‘should’ do. It is something we desire and enjoy, something that feels like a great honor.”
Read MoreOur Family Rediscovers Sabbath
“In December 2019, [my wife] Theresa suggested that we begin a few faith rhythms as a family, mostly concerning Sabbath. We’ve job-shared and worked bi-vocationally these last several years and at times it has been difficult to stop and disengage and receive God’s rest,” Seth writes. Learn what difference these changes made in their family.
Read MoreTogether for a Purpose
In both marriage and the church, God brings together people who have different gifts and ways of perceiving the world in order to build communities that provide a foretaste of the kingdom of heaven. Tyler and Kendra draw on varied gifts to strengthen their ministry together.
Read MoreJourneys Into Marriage and Mission
Married couples have the opportunity to experience the sometimes seamless, sometimes arduous path toward being of one heart. Laura Campbell and Laura Green share ways God has used marriage and mission to reshape their priorities.
Read MoreStronger Together
Partnership is one of our deeply held values at VMMissions. This year alone, we joined hands with 92 churches as they added their people, prayers and funds to the task of making Christ known among the nations. We can do more together than we ever can on our own.
Read MoreVMMissions Blesses 130 Families through Relief Effort
In March 2020, VMMissions launched the Coronavirus Immigrant Care Fund as a domestic response to immigrants in need due to job loss and other hardships related to the coronavirus pandemic. VMMissions distributed $38,940 to 130 families in VA and NC.
Read MoreWorker Profile: Anna Renfro
Anna’s assignment in Mannheim, Germany, is to support the ministries of Dave and Rebekka Stutzman as well as to serve at a local refugee center called Friedenshaus. Most of her time is spent in the afterschool youth program Kinderreich in nearby Heidelberg.
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