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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Anna and the Life-Giving High Five

The game of the street in Central Asia was urtganiki, which consists of “ball dodging and life swapping.” In this game, I have had the privilege of playing the role of both life-giver and life-receiver. Whether the teammate I high-five back into the game does well or poorly, we feel connected more deeply because of the life-exchange. Similarly when we reflect on Jesus giving us his life, we feel more connected to him.

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Carol Tobin

The Children Who Ask, “Who Am I?”

Third Culture Kids (TCKs) are uniquely formed and called to serve. Having grown up in Thailand, our daughters are TCKs. They are convinced of the reality and relevance of Jesus, and they are well-positioned for witness in the intercultural settings that abound in our world today.

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VMMissions Announces Two Staff Promotions

VMMissions announces the promotions of Abe Hartzler to Associate Director of Advancement and Tom Yoder to Ministry Coach, with a particular focus on the Balkans. Both are current VMMissions staff members called to take on new or expanded roles.

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Confessing Our Complicity and Committing to Change

At a recent prayer time, several staff members gave voice to our collective confession for complicity in systemic injustice and racism. We share this prayer with you as a statement of our ongoing need for God’s mercy and transformation.

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Carol Tobin

Coronavirus Sparks Responses of Compassion and Creativity at VMMissions

The last three months of the coronavirus pandemic have introduced unimagined challenges and tragedy to the entire world community. It has also unearthed deep wells of adaptability, creativity and compassion. This is certainly the story at VMMissions.

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Mennonite World Conference

MWC Global Church Sharing Fund Responds to Pandemic Needs

Mennonite World Conference has invited Anabaptist mission and service partners to coordinate their financial response to COVID-19 hardships experienced by member churches around the world.

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A Front Row Seat to the Gospel’s Power

The power of the gospel is this: that the unlovable are loved, the irredeemable are redeemed, the disinherited are adopted, the faithless are made faithful, the wicked are made pure, and the unqualified are made participants. This is my story.

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Tracing the Trail of Forgiveness

God is calling Bethany Tobin to both teach and walk out Jesus’ humble yet powerful message of forgiveness as she serves in Thailand. She shares these glimpses.

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Elena Satalaya

Worker Profile: Elena Buckwalter de Satalaya

Elena and her husband Freddy are working with the Iglesia Cristiana Menonita, in Iquitos, Peru, focusing mostly on bringing young people on an island community to a personal relationship with God. They teach basic classes and lead a children’s ministry and youth group.

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Call to Prayer: Listening in the Hard Times

A week before arriving home to our slum, our neighborhood was flooded. Our homecoming was overwhelming—filled with culture shock, mourning lost possessions, and setting up our house again. Less than a month later, we all got typhoid. How do we pray in these times?

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More Precious Than Rubies

God tells women that we are valuable to him, more precious than rubies. But in Montenegro, women are treated as if we are not worth much at all. With this in mind, the women’s committee of our church decided to conduct our first-ever outreach event to show women their God-given value.

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Sharing the Best We Have

A celebration in heaven is taking place, even though on this earth the situation is sad!” Solange Tartari sees God working powerfully in Albania among people who are encountering the gospel for the first time. “We all have challenges in life. The least we can do is simply share the best we have in love for others: Jesus! He makes all the difference in us.”

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