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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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VMMissions Response to COVID-19

We are all living with upheaval and uncertainty due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Yet as followers of Jesus, we need not give in to fear or hopelessness. With that confidence in God, Virginia Mennonite Missions is taking a number of steps to respond to the coronavirus crisis.

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30 Seconds That Threw Lezhë Into Chaos

On November 26 at 3:51 a.m., we experienced a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and numerous aftershocks here in Albania. The church has mobilized to provide help, and I see that the Lord is revealing himself to the lost. We pray that God will be glorified in the relationships built and that there will be lasting fruit for God’s kingdom in Albania.

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What Does It Mean to “Do Good?”

We were ostensibly doing good work in the community, but the lack of transformative spiritual engagement left us feeling empty, dissatisfied, and questioning. This desire to see gospel transformation take root began, however, in a startling and unforeseen way: right in the midst of, and in fact, through, my brokenness.

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Bold Humility: Mission in the Way of Jesus

Contemporary attitudes toward mission are much different than the ones that gave rise to VMMissions one hundred years ago. Today, the claim that Jesus is Lord offends pluralistic sensibilities, but is sharing the gospel inherently oppressive? Not if we follow the Lord’s example.

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Gratitude to God Funds Mission

The early model of centralized funding depended on donors entrusting their God-given resources to the mission agency to use in accordance with its priorities. But when giving rapidly declined in the 1990s, it became clear that donors wanted to give where they had involvement. A paradigm shift was needed.

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Getting On Board With Business

The call is going out for business, professional and trade men and women who love Jesus and believe that the marketplace is a place for the good news of the gospel. Who will get on board?

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USA Ministries: A Story of Missionaries and Migrants

God knows how to weave good stories, in which the puzzle pieces from one time and place come together to create something new and beautiful in another time and place. In this story, the puzzle pieces are missionaries and migrants, the places are Honduras and Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and the time will unfold in the telling.

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An Examen: God, Where Have You Been Present?

Now in our fourth decade of short-term missions, what have we learned at VMMissions? Are short-term mission experiences about rendering a service or surrendering to Christ? Martin Rhodes shares his own story of how a short-term assignment in Mexico shifted his focus from doing to being.

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Jason Showalter

Jason Rhodes Showalter to Join Staff as Global Ministries Director

Jason Rhodes Showalter was hired as Global Ministries Director, effective February 3, 2020. He has 15 years of experience as a cross-cultural worker with a sister Anabaptist agency, where his roles roles included orientation, mentoring, and developing strategic vision.

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A Dream, a Need, a Gift: the Launch of tranSend

Over 100 persons have explored their sense of call to mission through tranSend since the program began in 2005. What were the dreams and needs behind this one-year mission internship program, and how did it become a reality?

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Extending the Reach to Every Nation, Tribe and Tongue

In recent years, VMMissions has placed greater priority on sending workers to unreached people groups. Thanks to the Lord of the harvest, dedicated and creative VMMissions workers are living incarnationally among some of the fifty largest unreached people groups in the world.

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Mission Fund Update

2020 Year End Financial Goal Exceeded

VMMissions is delighted to report that we exceeded our year-end financial goal of $100,000 by almost $7,000. Thank you! We are grateful to God and to everyone who has prayed, given financially, and supported our work in many ways.

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