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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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The Walls Came Tumbling Down: Our Entrance Into Albania

When the walls came down, “We were swept along, praising God for opportunities! We didn’t program it! We could hardly keep up with it,” Willard Eberly exclaimed. An isolated nation after a forty-five year communist regime, Albania opened in 1991 to the outside world and to the gospel of Jesus.

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Will You Go? Our Expansion into the Caribbean

Twila Y. Brunk’s book, Together in the Lord, is an engaging account of the first twenty-five years of the Jamaican Mennonite Church. The following recounts those beginnings, as well as the expansion of VMMissions’ work into Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago.

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Paul T (PT) Yoder

In Honor of Paul Timothy (PT) Yoder, 12th President of VMMissions

Paul Timothy Yoder, Sr., president of VMMissions from 1985 to 1990, died on December 16, 2019. He was 91. During his tenure, Paul envisioned VMMissions as a channel through which resources would be released for the purpose of expanding God’s kingdom.

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From Virginia into the Heart of Christendom

“I do not believe that it is above what we could expect, if the Lord tarries, that we would have a native Mennonite Church in Sicily.” These were the words of Truman Brunk in his report to the executive committee of the mission board upon his return from a visit to Sicily in November 1950.

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Albania earthquake relief

Update: Albania Earthquake Relief Fund

VMMissions is delighted to report that the Albania Earthquake Relief Fund needs have been met! In 2019, VMMissions received $28,712 towards the expenses of a temporary shelter in Lezhë for 15 Roma families who lost their homes in Albania’s 6.4-magnitude earthquake.

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It’s #GivingTuesday!

This year for #GivingTuesday, join with VMMissions as we equip the church to share new life in Jesus Christ with neighbors near and far. All donations will go to the Mission Fund, which allows us to support 32 individual ministries in 24 countries.

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Tidewater Virginia: Our Antioch

“We know that in the time of the early church, ministry began in Jerusalem. Later, Antioch became an important mission center. The Shenandoah Valley is the Jerusalem of Virginia Mennonite Conference. But, realize, Tidewater Virginia is our Antioch!” What made that particular context so special? How did VMMissions contribute to the picture, promoting greater faithfulness and fruitfulness?

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Beginnings: Called to the Mountains

In the early days, mission vision emerged at the district level of Virginia Mennonite Conference. Middle District was exemplary in mobilizing witness over the mountains into West Virginia. Though many declined the invitation to serve, a steady stream of workers labored over the years, eventually giving birth to over a dozen churches.

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Centennial events

Catching the Wind of the Spirit: VMMissions Celebrates 100 Years

Hundreds gathered to celebrate the centennial year of Virginia Mennonite Missions. Leaders from partner church conferences in Italy, Jamaica, and Trinidad were featured guests at events that included a reunion brunch, a banquet, an evening worship service, and a Sunday afternoon a cappella concert.

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Aaron M. Kauffman

One Hundred Years of Sharing Jesus with Neighbors Near and Far

This year marks 100 years of Virginia Mennonite Missions helping the church share Jesus with neighbors near and far. How did it all get started? What has God done through our work? Where might God be leading in the future?

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Carol Tobin

The River and the Sea: Making Sense of the Story

For one hundred years, VMMissions has existed to help the church know itself as sent. It is when we look back that we are best able to see an unfolding storyline that can then help us to orient toward our future. What do we see when we look back?

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Call to Prayer: No junior Holy Spirit for children!

By Priscilla Gnanamanickam Children don’t have a junior Holy Spirit.” This is what we were told by a missionary couple when we were young parents in India, as we were learning to listen to the voice of the Lord and follow him. “Encourage your children to listen to the voice of the Lord speaking, like…

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