Current opportunities:
Thailand: Church-planting Intern
Do you have a heart for the unreached? Do you long to connect with what God is doing on the frontiers of the Kingdom? Join long-term workers in northeastern Thailand in the rhythms of cross-cultural pioneer church-planting among one of the most unreached people groups in Southeast Asia.
Read MoreCentral Asia: International Transformational Business
Join a team working with an array of businesses that transform communities through meeting local needs, operating with integrity and just compensation, and being a example of God’s love and heart for justice in word and deed. Receive training, mentoring and support for long-term ministry through business.
Read MoreThailand: Pioneer Church Planting
Respond to God’s call to help a Thai network of believers expand into new villages and focus on faith formation among new believers and the second and third generation believers. Join a ministry team with long-term workers engaging and serving with Life Enrichment Church.
Read MoreCentral Asia: Transformational Business
Learn about international businesses that transform communities through an assignment with long-term workers that involves incarnational living, language learning, and sharing good news in the context of businesses designed to meet local needs with God-honoring work and just compensation.
Read MoreSouth Asia: Living God’s Mission With Muslim-Background Believers
Join the team in South Asia with current VMMissions workers as you learn language and culture in order to minister to one of the most under-reached people groups in the world while using your particular gifts and passions.
Read MoreThailand: Youth and Family Worker
Work with youth and families to promote discipleship in rural northeast Thailand. First generation believers have broken free from many types of bondage, but the challenge facing them now is to raise up the next generations to carry forward the gospel witness.
Read MoreSoutheast Asia: Business for Transformation (B4T)
Join a team of people who bring maturity and passion for Jesus to a successful water filter factory business that is opening doorways for impact. Their gospel witness has flourished both among the factory staff, and through the witness of sales representatives with customers in the region.
Read MoreNazareth/Bethlehem Learning and Work Tour
A unique, hands-on opportunity to encounter the land of Jesus’ earthly ministry and relive the stories of Jesus as the team meets, works, and prays together with Palestinian Christians. Note: The 2024 trip has been cancelled and rescheduled for 2025.
Read MoreSouth Asia: Media and Tech Intern
Join a team with current VMMissions workers and use your media and technology skills as an intern prepared to learn and serve as you enhance the outreach ministry to Muslim-background persons and connect with new believers as you study language and culture.
Read MoreSouth Asia: Living God’s Mission with Muslim-Background Believers
Dive into an immersion experience in a Muslim context with home stays, language study and mission mentoring among Muslim-background believers in Jesus. Join a team with current VMMissions workers as an intern prepared to listen, learn and minister in this context.
Read More
Not sure where to start?
Get in touch with Kierston Kreider, Mission Mobilizer, and he’ll work with you to identify what opportunities might be a good fit.