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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Aaron M. Kauffman

Partnership as Mission

When followers of Jesus engage in mutual, transparent and interdependent relationships across cultures, they become both an example of God’s upside-down kingdom and a means for its extension into the world. True partnership allows us all to see Jesus more clearly.

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Nancy Marshall ordained for pastoral ministry in Belize

The van bounces through the dusty streets of Orange Walk Town, empty except for Nancy Marshall and me. Nancy is the pastor of Jesus’ Deaf Church in this small town in the Central American country of Belize. On this Saturday evening, we are returning home after dropping off several men and boys from the “Boyz…

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Building outward-oriented networks of discipleship

When we began exploring what it would mean to help develop a network project, we knew that we had a lot of learning to do. Since moving to Bammental in the fall of 2012, we have spent a good deal of time making connections, building relationships, and learning from young people about their experiences in…

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Good Samaritan opportunities

Our family moved to Kosovo in August of 2013. We are in the “culture, language and relationship building phase” of our time here. Because of our infancy in our language acquisition, our ability to communicate with the locals is fairly limited. Our actions are the loudest and clearest voice we have. We live in a…

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Praying for the Kingdom while sharing sweet tea

We have been living and serving in this slum community on the outskirts of a major Southeast Asian city for two years now. After a devastating fire and eviction in our previous slum, God led us to this new community with some of our old neighbors. Beautiful things are growing here; if one can look…

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Youth show deep commitment, longing to know God

While there have been times where we have struggled to find adults who are yearning to dig deeper into God’s Word or commit to meeting regularly for a Bible study, we have been blessed by the youth in our youth group. Most of them show a deep yearning to know more about what God has…

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Testimony of transformation

A powerful, challenging speaker shared his story of being delivered from a life of drugs and crime by the love and salvation of God to a gathering of 60 teenagers in Montenegro. The young people from all over the country gathered on February 8 for worship after some of the teens had had an experience…

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Beyond the limits of law, into new life

We obey God by following the sunnah of Jesus the Messiah (Isa al-Masih). This is the way that we describe ourselves to our Muslim neighbors. Sunnah is a term used to describe the way of life prescribed as normative for Muslims on the basis of the teachings and practices of their prophet and interpretations of…

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Discipling others to tell the Story

It started with a simple request from Pastor Joi, “Please help us make a list of methods Jesus used to make disciples.” Joi and Brother Phonthawee were beginning to prepare what they would teach in a gathering of Isaan church leaders. I was being asked to teach teachers and give theological foundations for their teaching…

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Sarah Showalter

VMMissions Welcomes New Staff; Transitions Noted

Virginia Mennonite Missions has hired Sarah Schoenhals as Receptionist & Administrative Assistant, starting March 17. Janet Blosser’s role has been expanded to include the Balkans. Ken Horst has transitioned into the role of Development Associate.

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Time to work: teaching a biblical view of work without dependence

Last spring we had one of the worst elders meeting we have ever seen. The young men Carl discipled were sullen and quiet until the meeting’s end when they bubbled over in sudden anger towards the elders: “When have you so much as lifted a finger for our future? You just talk, and the believing…

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Aaron M. Kauffman

People-fishing, Jesus-style

Our mission is “to invite people to faithful living in Jesus Christ.” We seek to be and call forth apprentices of Jesus, not simply start one more program or project. Last summer the Board of Virginia Mennonite Missions approved seven strategic priorities to guide our work over the next 3-5 years.

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