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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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Bev Scaggs and Sunita Benny

Encouraging Our Brothers and Sisters in Trinidad

At a gathering of MCTT leaders, we addressed transactional vs. transformational leadership, dream-based coaching, leading change and other topics. The entire time was exciting and stimulating. To see firsthand what God has done and is doing in Trinidad left us energized.

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Italy farewell to Eberlys

‘Sweet Sorrow’ as Eberlys Retire From Italy Ministry

Willard and Eva served in Italy with great energy and passion for the Word of God. They gave much of their lives to the growth and development of the church and its members. People shared their memories, showing the influence that they have had many over the years.

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Loren Horst

The Consequence of Christmas

When I think of consequences my mind first goes a rather negative direction. We call it the fear of consequences and are reminded that we reap what we sow, or are warned, “be sure your sins will find you out.” There are, however, good consequences.

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Esther Augsburger in a pottery class in Albania

A True Presence for the Kingdom of God in Albania

Flying into the beautiful mountains of Albania, Esther and Myron Augsburger knew we were there for a new kind of mission. Esther was asked by the LAC board to stimulate an interest in a school art program. Myron met with church leaders and spoke in churches.

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Linford Stutzman at Myra

Mission and the “Ports of Paul”

Paul spent most of his life in seaports. The early church west of Palestine thrived primarily in port cities of the Mediterranean. This environment is where most of the mission drama occurs and the majority of Christians in the Roman Empire lived.

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Zooks Teach English at Lezha Academic Center

Our task was to enhance language preparation for incoming 9th and 10th graders who will need to pursue all of their studies in English. While we worked on some foundational grammar and vocabulary, most of our class activities emphasized conversational communication.

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Ordination ceremony in Bari, Italy

Centro Koinonia Celebrates Historic Milestone With Ordination

“What you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” is an important key for church growth and multiplication, given by the Apostle Paul. Centro Koinonia truly has reason to celebrate a significant milestone.

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Bike Shenandoah riders prepare to depart

Bike Shenandoah Sees a 55% Increase in Riders

One hundred and seven riders, a 55% increase from last year, enjoyed a trek through the Shenandoah Valley on a beautiful fall day. Bikers chose between a challenging 100-mile journey and an easy five mile jaunt, or something in between, as they traversed area back roads.

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MDV group with kids at Casa del Padre, Mexico

God’s Love Flows in Colotlan, Mexico

Members of Manantial de Vida traveled to Casa del Padre in Colotlan. This mission was founded by the Rosales family, who migrated to Harrisonburg more than 30 years ago. The Rosales became born-again Christians as a result of the Christ-love testimony they received.

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2012 MCTT annual gathering

Trinidadian Mennonites Celebrate Freedom in Christ at Annual Meeting

The Mennonite Church of Trinidad & Tobago (MCTT) held its annual general meeting on “The Church in Jubilee,” reflecting the 50th anniversary of independence for Trinidad & Tobago. While the country celebrated independence, the church celebrated freedom in Christ.

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Family Camp in Italy

Something Different in Italy

Pastors from Palermo, Vasto, and Bari taught on how we are different when we are transformed by Christ living in us. These lessons not only had an impact on the participants of the conference, but also on other guests and staff in the hotel. The hotel director said, “There is something different about you all.”

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Clown in Ecuador

In Ecuador, an Amazing Reunion

My heart skipped a beat. I recognized that clown in the picture and I recognized that title. “I met you in Colombia,” I said. “You were at a meeting that I attended while I was on a Witness for Peace delegation. Do you remember me?” I asked excitedly.

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