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Stories of Mission

Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.

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First graduation at Lezha Academic Center, Bible camp and summer school follow

The constant rains of winter are over. The occasional downpours and showers are a pleasant respite from the heat. The plants are growing and thriving in the school yard. An electric mower cuts the grass nicely, using several huge extension cords. The power outages are less than in winter, giving the generator a rest. Principal…

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Egypt’s big role in God’s story

Angie, a delightful Coptic Christian and myself, a young Catholic priest, were brought together by a two-week VMM learning tour in Egypt called “Walking the Nile.” While questions of the president, the economy, and the upcoming demonstrations loomed in the foreground, Angie and I often shared the backseat of our microbus and turned our conversation…

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Orientation for tranSenders held at VMM

The morning of July 9, tranSend participants gathered in the Virginia Mennonite Missions conference room along with the VMM staff, providing a time of getting acquainted with each other. Park View Federal Credit Union brought a full breakfast for everyone to enjoy; PVFCU holds the accounts for all the workers who serve through VMM. Orientation…

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Loren Horst

Why Short-term Missions?

If you or your congregation are thinking of a short-term mission experience, get in touch with us at VMMissions. We can help you turn a good idea into an excellent experience and avoid the kind of mistakes that have sometimes given short-term missions a bad name.

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Taking bold steps of faith and obedience in Palermo

Aurora, 23, and her brother Manuel, 21, grew up in the Centro Agape church of Palermo. Through the years they’ve participated in the church’s youth group and other initiatives for young believers. They have become an important part of the church’s youth group, and both contribute to it in their own unique way. They are…

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Forming missional DNA in our congregations

“If you want to dig a new hole, don’t dig the current one deeper.” Alan Hirsch shared this at Atlantic Northeast Conferences of Mennonite Church USA, a conference leaders and church planters resource event on May 16 in Lancaster, Pa. Hirsch is an author, speaker, and the founding director of The Forge Mission Training Network,…

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Our journey of vision in Vasto

God is good! We have been living in the Vasto/Termoli area for 12 years and we are thankful to God for what He is doing here. When we first arrived to Vasto, the church had been established almost twenty years but was almost dead. There was no young group, no actual ministries, and little biblical…

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Our journey of breaking through

By Caleb Benner At Lezha Academic Center in Albania, we believe that we have been called to make an impact on the spiritual life of each student. Emerging from centuries of atheism and isolation under communism, most of the Albanian people lack an understanding of faith and have not truly encountered Jesus Christ. By modeling…

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A journey to find the meaning of ‘Mennonite’

Mennonite means different things to different people in Germany. Sect. Heritage. Irrelevant. Faithful. Traditional. Since arriving, we have been in a process of learning what the label means to those who are from a Mennonite background, those who were, those who are not, and those who have nothing to do with Christianity. Part of what…

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A journey of mutual sharing and prayer

It was more than just an ordinary afternoon of coffee, cake and conversation as ladies gathered recently at Lezha Academic Center (LAC). Instead, it was another stepping stone in principal Klementina Shahini’s vision of sharing God’s love with the women of Lezhë, Albania. Chatting together around the cafeteria tables were mothers, students, church members, the…

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English is Italian for ‘outreach’

If we wanted, we could be full-time English teachers here in Bari even though we have never had a single lesson on how to teach English! Our mother tongue has opened doors for us to be able to share our faith with many people in our community. A little more than two years ago, we…

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Loren Horst

Word and Deed

An interesting dichotomy has been argued in Christian mission. Should the Christian’s mission in the world focus on verbal witness, or should acts of care and compassion be our priority? Word or deed? I answer the question with a resounding, “Yes! Both!”

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