Service Opportunities

Current opportunities:


Thailand: Pioneer Church Planting

Respond to God’s call to help a Thai network of believers expand into new villages and focus on faith formation among new believers and the second and third generation believers. Join a ministry team with long-term workers engaging and serving with Life Enrichment Church.

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Border Perspective

Border Perspective

Join us June 23-28, 2024, for Border Perspective, an immersive and educational service learning trip that intentionally places you into the lives of immigrant leaders serving families on the U.S. – Mexico border.

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E3 refugee ministry

Refugee Ministry in Jordan

Share God’s love through Christ in refugee camps and under-served communities. Work with a local church, short-term teams offer support to continuing ministry to refugees fleeing long-term instability in their home communities.

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Workplace ministry

Workplace Ministry and Formation in Mission

In this one-year assignment, stay in your current job or start a new one while receiving training and biweekly connection with a tranSend cohort, learning about how to share good news in workplace contexts and approach any job with a kingdom perspective.

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International business

Central Asia: Transformational Business

Learn about international businesses that transform communities through an assignment with long-term workers that involves incarnational living, language learning, and sharing good news in the context of businesses designed to meet local needs with God-honoring work and just compensation.

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Join us on a pilgrimage through Germany in May and June 2024, visiting old cities and new projects, getting to know people and communities, and exploring what it means to follow Jesus in the post-Christian landscape of today’s church in Europe.

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Germany childcare

Germany: Childcare Assistant and Café Ministry

Empower a long-term pioneer mission worker family through child care and home help as needed while participating in the life of the Emmaus Gemeinschaft missional community, and build relationships through service at a Christian café.

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South Asia internship

South Asia: Living God’s Mission With Muslim-Background Believers

Join the team in South Asia with current VMMissions workers as you learn language and culture in order to minister to one of the most under-reached people groups in the world while using your particular gifts and passions.

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Thailand Youth and Family Worker

Thailand: Youth and Family Worker

Work with youth and families to promote discipleship in rural northeast Thailand. First generation believers have broken free from many types of bondage, but the challenge facing them now is to raise up the next generations to carry forward the gospel witness.

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Southeast Asia B4T

Southeast Asia: Business for Transformation (B4T)

Join a team of people who bring maturity and passion for Jesus to a successful water filter factory business that is opening doorways for impact. Their gospel witness has flourished both among the factory staff, and through the witness of sales representatives with customers in the region.

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Nazareth Village

Nazareth/Bethlehem Learning and Work Tour

A unique, hands-on opportunity to encounter the land of Jesus’ earthly ministry and relive the stories of Jesus as the team meets, works, and prays together with Palestinian Christians. Note: The 2024 trip has been cancelled and rescheduled for 2025.

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Peacebuilder Community Internship

Philippines: Peacebuilders Community Internships

Serve with Peacebuilders Community, Inc., in a combination of office-based assignments in Davao City, Mindanao, and field work in local communities throughout the Philippines. Explore a process of spiritual formation and discipleship while engaged in peace building work in a team setting.

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Media and tech intern

South Asia: Media and Tech Intern

Join a team with current VMMissions workers and use your media and technology skills as an intern prepared to learn and serve as you enhance the outreach ministry to Muslim-background persons and connect with new believers as you study language and culture.

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Albania: Teacher’s Assistant for Preschool

Serve as a teacher’s assistant for the Joshua Center preschool, working with the Roma population of Lezhë, Albania. Work with Joshua Center director Norma Teles and other preschool teachers to educate and share the good news of Jesus with children.

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South Asia: Living God’s Mission with Muslim-Background Believers

Dive into an immersion experience in a Muslim context with home stays, language study and mission mentoring among Muslim-background believers in Jesus. Join a team with current VMMissions workers as an intern prepared to listen, learn and minister in this context.

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Kosovo: Pioneer Church Planter

Study the Albanian language and Kosovar culture, and form a long-term church planting team, partner with existing believers, and plant gospel seeds through building community relationships.

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Mannheim, Germany

Germany: Church Planter and Discipleship Pioneer

Explore church planting and discipleship in the urban, post-Christian setting of Mannheim, Germany, known as one of the more intercultural cities in Germany. Join a team and help to resource a national network for persons interested in living out the gospel in their culture.

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Southeast Asia internship

Southeast Asia: Serving Among the Last and Least

Join a team living and working in a major Southeast Asian city’s slum where skills such as nursing, teaching, and/or social work are an asset. Serve alongside VMMissions workers, study language and culture, live with a host family, and experience the radical incarnational life of this ministry.

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Share With Appalachian People

Volunteer with SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People) in McDowell County, West Virginia, and get to know members of your team and local homeowners while blessing others with a home that is safe, warm, and dry.

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Kierston Kreider

Not sure where to start?

Get in touch with Kierston Kreider, Mission Mobilizer, and he’ll work with you to identify what opportunities might be a good fit.