Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
Stay informed of all the latest VMMissions news.
Being On Mission Through Our Prayers
“Sending and receiving mission workers undoubtedly brings us closer to the global community,” Elena Buckwalter de Satalaya writes. “However, it is just as important, if not even more so, to pray for the global church and the people and communities it reaches.”
Read MoreThe Impact of Ministry Collaboration
“Our ministry of church planting, pastoring, and gospel outreach has been deeply impacted by partnerships that God has brought together,” Veronica Sanchez writes. “We know that God is on mission in the Waynesboro, Va., community where we have planted a new community of faith.”
Read MoreThe Beauty of the Body of Christ
Churches across denominational lines have come together to support reaching the local Arabic-speaking community in Harrisonburg, Va. “What has blessed and stretched my faith has been the “unity amidst diversity” that I have seen expressed in [VMMissions worker] Yacoub’s team,” Pastor Blake Wood writes.
Read MoreMission Is a Partnership
“Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection is often the focal point of his purpose on earth, and for good reason,” Shawn Green writes. “But we shouldn’t overlook or miss the countless bits of perfect knowledge that Jesus taught and shared as he walked among his followers, and with which we are invited to align our hearts and immerse our souls in God’s goodness and mercy.”
Read MoreMoving Together in Mission
A few years ago while recovering from surgery I picked up a book gathering dust on my shelf called In His Image. I found the combination of medical insight, missionary zeal and biblical wisdom to be fascinating and moving at the same time, especially fitting to read while my own body healed.
Read MoreGreat Community Give Fundraiser Raises $11,000+
VMMissions joined over 100 other local organizations in the Great Community Give, a special online day of giving on April 19. The event raised a total of $11,380. VMMissions hosted a lunchtime open house cookout and welcomed around 50 people to enjoy food and fellowship.
Read MoreInvest in God’s Harvest
At VMMissions, we step out in faith with the God who can do more than we ask or imagine. This spring, we invite you to invest in God’s harvest with a gift to VMMissions. Can you help us raise the $65,200 we need by the end of April to keep pace with our budget?
Read MoreWorker Profile: Jhustin Thompson
Jhustin serves in a college ministry assignment with Every Nation Campus and VMMissions. “My work and goal is to show the love of God and be a light to campus. I want to see lives changed by the good news and do the work of God,” he writes.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Joining God’s Heart for Mission
Prayer is a fundamental underpinning of how we partner with God to engage in our small part of the great gospel task. As followers of Jesus pray together, the Holy Spirit enables us to see the grand reality of God’s plan for the restoration for humanity, and to see the immediate needs of the people right in front of us.
Read MoreGod Helps Us Speak the Message
Receiving the call to go to another place implies many changes and a lot of learning in unfamiliar areas, such as language, culture, and food. All of this can become overwhelming,” David and Marta write. “But we can be filled with encouragement and hope knowing that the Lord will be with us.”
Read MoreGod’s Mission Is Bigger Than Mine
“God’s mission is bigger than mine,” church planter Juan José Lagos writes. “That allows me to join his story and his mission rather than carrying the burden of accomplishing it all on my own strength. This is how we must see ourselves as we follow the call of God our Father who reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ.”
Read MoreGod’s Heart Is for Reconciliation
God leading this mission helps me acknowledge that he doesn’t need us to accomplish his plans, but rather, God invites us to partner with him. Personally, this demolishes any ounce of pride in my heart that tries to make disciples without Christ’s partnership. This also allows me to rest in the fact that I don’t have to be in control.
Read MoreGod’s Mission Has a Church
Our church history is shaped by the legacy of Christendom: the church aligning with political power to protect and maintain our position in society. This is vastly different from understanding the church being shaped as a missionary church whose calling is to be embedded as “sent ones” in our own societies.
Read MoreDavid Gingerich Named Director of Partner Development
David Gingerich has assumed a new leadership role as Director of Partner Development, focusing on fundraising, donor cultivation and church relations. “I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to nurture and grow relationships with our community of partners,” David writes.
Read MoreDoxological Mission
God’s mission is first and foremost about the pursuit of God’s glory. It includes us, but it is not primarily about our needs, ambitions or hopes. God’s burning desire is for all of creation to know God’s glory and to give him the praise he deserves so that we might enjoy him together forever.
Read MoreBridge Builders
What if the God of the universe did not wait for us to bridge the gap between us—and I’m staking my life on the belief that it is—then we have a message that everyone deserves to hear. And they deserve to hear it in the cultural idiom that will make sense to them.
Read MoreWhose Voice Are We Listening To?
Anita (name changed), serving in a slum in Indonesia, writes, “It is lovely when we have attainable rhythms and goals to keep us healthy and measure “success” clearly. But on the mission field, so often this seems impossible. Much of our energy is spent just surviving in a different culture, language, and religious context. And it can feel impossible to measure.”
Read MoreSuccess Requires Transformation
“In my four years on the VMMissions Board of Directors, I have found that our vision statement serves as a beautiful and life-giving objective,” Paul Yoder, board chair, writes. “The verb “envisions” speaks to the “picture” that we are painting. Three scriptures have recently been helping me more fully “envision” success in God’s kingdom.
Read MoreSuccess Can Rise Out of Failure
Anne (name changed) shares an experience that illustrates her struggle with success. “How could people in our own faith community act so vengefully and with so little consideration for their children’s faith?” she writes. “Just when I rejoice at how much fruit is resulting from my ministry, things fall apart. I could easily name ten other situations like this.”
Read MoreSuccess Is Doing What Pleases the Lord
“My own definition of success has to run deeper than just a sense of accomplishment, or I’m not going to make it very far,” Nathan Carr writes. “Early in my ministry I fell into that trap of thinking I was the one who had to make things happen. I put everything on my own shoulders, and it wore me out. I was forced to face the reality that I could only give them so much.”
Read MoreSuccess Is the Outflow of Abiding
Joyel writes, “We can see there’s something so special about creation being with our creator. The outflow of abiding and being with God is the fruit that we bear that not only benefits us, but those around us. We’re constantly approached with opportunities to remain distracted, in bondage, and lost. But even then, God is faithful to redirect us back to him.”
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Praying Together Is Success
“My teammate and I stood soberly looking at each other—wives and mothers with parallel journeys across those seven years together,” Carol Tobin writes. “Both of us had struggled and endured, but because we struggled in vastly different ways, each was always a frustrating enigma to the other. ‘Was it worth it?’ we asked. But it wasn’t a question we were prepared to answer.”
Read MoreWorker Profile: Ken Wettig
Ken serves as the initiator and director of a youth discipleship program called SLAQ (Servant Leader Quest), which seeks to raise up diverse cohorts among the next generation of serving leaders in the way of Jesus through outdoor adventures, community service, and “crucial conversations.”
Read MoreFaithfulness + Patience = Fruitfulness
I confess I feel some discomfort with measuring “success” in missions. Depth of transformation is not an easy thing to quantify, nor do we often see immediate results. Perhaps the key is faithful witness combined with patient trust in the Lord of the harvest.
Read MoreBike Shenandoah Celebrates 25th Annual Ride
Eighty-four participants in the 25th anniversary Bike Shenandoah ride hit the road on September 17, raising money for six local organizations including VMMissions. The event was a resounding success, raising approximately $28,000.
Read MoreCarol Tobin, VMMissions Mission Advocate, Retires
On August 31, Carol Tobin retired from her staff role as Mission Advocate and Transforming Content Editor. Though her formal role has ended, she will continue in volunteer roles for VMMissions, including helping to coordinate the upcoming Perspectives course and local missions recruitment efforts.
Read MoreWorker Profile: Hannah Shultz
Hannah’s assignment is to disciple children in local Spanish-speaking churches in the way of Jesus through word and song. She partners with congregations, teaches piano and violin, and shares biblical truths to build and nurture faith in kids.
Read MoreMission Training Center
Excitement builds as an existing barn on the property is renovated into a space for training, meeting, and community events. Taking a storage barn and transforming it into a training center will give it a new purpose for a new generation of missional leaders.
Read MoreBusiness for Transformation
VMMissions is blessing communities through kingdom business through a subsidiary board of business experts who find and coach partners, vet plans, monitor progress, and makes loans to new and growing enterprises. Christian-led businesses can create just employment and sustainable economic growth even as they invite spiritual transformation through the gospel.
Read MoreGlobal Church Planting
VMMissions is mobilizing church planters from around the globe to the places where the gospel is needed most. The following profiles feature the first recipients of the Global Church Planting grant. What an opportunity to join God in launching this new generation of global church planters!
Read MoreExplore God’s Heart for Justice on the U.S.-Mexico Border
Border Perspective, a VMMissions E3 Collective, is an immersive and educational service learning trip that will offer participants a first-hand connection with immigrant leaders serving families on the U.S.–Mexico border.
Read MorePerspectives Course Coming Back to Harrisonburg Early Next Year
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course is offered next spring (held on Tuesday evenings, January 3 to May 2, 2023) in Harrisonburg. The 15-week course is heartily endorsed by a broad spectrum of evangelical denominations, ministries, and mission agencies.
Read MoreCatching the Wave
Launching a campaign in the middle of a pandemic has been a venture of faith. We asked God, “Where are you leading us as we enter our second century of ministry?” The clear response was to continue sharing new life in Jesus Christ with all people, especially those who haven’t heard.
Read MoreWatch: A Church of Many Cultures Celebration Service
Watch the Church of Many Cultures Celebration as VMMissions celebrated nearing the end of a campaign raising $3 million for new initiatives through a service of worship and commissioning new workers. The service was held as part of Virginia Mennonite Conference Assembly at Zion Mennonite Church, Broadway, Va.
Read MoreTeams Putt Around in Support of Missions
Putt Fore Missions was a great way to connect with those who support the vision of VMMissions to strive toward a Spirit-led church of many cultures. It was a hot evening on the greens at Mulligan’s Golf Center in Harrisonburg as twenty teams of four enjoyed a friendly competition in pursuit of the “green jacket t-shirts” awarded to our top golfers in four age categories.
Read MoreWhat Do Motorcycles Have to Do With Mission?
An idea that started at Powhatan Mennonite Church ten years ago has now raised nearly $115,000 to support the mission of VMMissions to “equip the church to share new life in Christ with neighbors near and far.” And this year’s tenth anniversary ride broke records, including the amount raised for missions!
Read MoreVMMissions Celebrates 30 Years of Involvement in Albania
As many persons gather June 18-19 in Albania to celebrate 30 years of Guri i Themelit Church, and 10 years of Lezha Academic Center in Lezhë, Albania, learn more about the long involvement of VMMissions in Albania.
Read MoreThe Gospel is for Everyone
We launched A Church of Many Cultures in 2021 with the goal of raising $3 million for three new areas of ministry: Business for Transformation, Global Church Planting, and a Mission Training Center. I am happy to share that as of this month, we have raised nearly $2.7 million.
Read MoreWorker profile: Andressa Coutinho
Andressa’s assignment consists of cultural and linguistic learning as well as support of the church planting ministry of Albanian leaders and VMMissions workers Rafael and Solange Tartari, currently serving in northern Albania in the city of Shkodër.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Reminding Ourselves of God’s Future
“It is good that we remind ourselves of God’s future…So often, our prayers reflect our present sorrows, weariness and broken hopes. Our God wants to hear those things, for he cares deeply about us. But, God also wants to speak to us about what he wants to do,” Ruthy writes.
Read MoreThe Ultimate Adventure Story
“I want this next generation to embrace the challenge leveled at all of humanity in the life of Christ: the challenge that those who wish to be the greatest must be the servant of all,” Ken Wettig writes. “My hope is that SLAQ would be an invitation for young people to be apprenticed to the one person in human history whose Spirit is still present with us today: Jesus of Nazareth.”
Read MoreA Vision for Creating Community
People around us are longing for community, but they are not turning to the church. This has been our challenge over the course of the past few years. But in a poor and immigrant-dense part of Mannheim, our Villa experimentis bursting at the seams with life.
Read MoreWhat God Sees For Central Asia
“We sense that we are on the brink of a breakthrough that God wants to bring to this region,” Em says. “For me there is exhilaration edged with nervous anticipation. For Jay there is vigorous and contagious confidence, a beautiful sense of clarity as to what we are to be doing.”
Read MoreA Church That Stays Standing
Steve and Laura Campbell’s hope has been to plant Christ as the seed so that a Montenegrin church can grow. “We have worked for the Lord, not for people. This has been both rewarding and intensely draining. We are only responsible for pointing people to God,” they write.
Read MoreVMMissions Opens New Category for ‘Marketplace Workers’
The “marketplace worker” category supports and equips believers to “live out God’s kingdom in every sphere of life.” This category enables persons employed in trades or professions to receive coaching toward fruitful ministry in the workplace.
Read MorePutting on God’s Glasses
In leading a 103-year-old mission agency, I confess it can be hard to see where we’re headed sometimes. We do our best to craft careful plans. But to see the present clearly and make sense of it, it helps me to put on the lenses of God’s future.
Read MoreDouglas Senior, Beloved Leader in Jamaica Mennonite Church, Dies at 75
Pastor Senior made a great contribution to the development and significant ministry of the Maranatha School for the Deaf in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. He was known for his warm personality, integrity, prayer life, dignified yet commanding presence, and strong Christian faith.
Read MoreSeeds are Bursting Forth with New Life
Patience is hard. We see a broken world in need of Christ and want change to happen right now. But seeds lie dormant for a long time before springing to life. Thank you for providing the support that allows our ministries to bear lasting fruit for God’s kingdom.
Read MoreWorker profile: Nathan Carr
Nathan is serving in prison ministry, involved in reaching out to men like himself—helping to draw them out of addiction towards Christ. He can see the joy in the men he relates to when they surrender to Jesus, because he knows the new life that lies ahead for them.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Discovering Parallels with the Past
An Indian believer gave Ruthy and her teammates a church history book describing mission work that had began happening across northern India in the late 1800s and workers who dedicated the majority of their lives there. “What a gift to read their prayer list!” she writes.
Read More