Stories of Mission
Explore mission themes in our quarterly magazine as workers tell stories of making disciples in the way of Christ.
Stay informed of all the latest VMMissions news.
We Listen and Learn
It has been said that “the church is like the eye. It has a little black in it and a little white in it, and without both, we cannot see.” Because of our distinctive demographic, we are in place to help the church see the plight or privilege of their brothers and sisters more clearly. By doing so, we gain a more robust understanding of the gospel.
Read MoreShaken Beyond the Walls
We’re faced with opportunities for repentance, generosity and bold witness as ambassadors of God’s reconciliation through Christ. May we be shaken by that indwelling presence beyond our walls and to new places of repentance, healing and bold witness.
Read MoreEyes Open on a Ripening Harvest
During COVID-19, I have found myself at a loss for what to do or say. But sharing Bible stories with my coworkers through a Discovery Bible Study has changed my way of relating. With the light of Christ, can transform obstacles into opportunities for the glory of God.
Read MoreBarriers and Breakthroughs
COVID-19 has been a time of very visible limitations. Many activities such as visiting local believers, getting to know our neighbors, and enjoying worship times with others all halted, just like most of the world. All these limitations have pushed us to wonder what God is up to.
Read MoreMy Coins Count Raises Over $11,000
VMMissions and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) cooperated this year to channel My Coins Count funds to help some of the most vulnerable people during the global COVID-19 crisis. Gifts through My Coins Count are supporting VMMissions’ continuing response to needs arising in the communities where our workers and partners live and serve.
Read MoreKaren Yoder Hired as Ministry Support Coach and Global Assistant
This summer, VMMissions hired Karen Yoder as the new Ministry Support Coach and Global Assistant. In these roles she resources Ministry Support Teams and lends administrative support to Jason Showalter and the Global Team.
Read MoreA Bridge Between Former Inmates and the Church
VMMissions worker and jail chaplain, Jason Wagner, has begun a partnership to build bridges between former inmates and the church, acknowledging the difficulty of walking with people in hard situations and how churches are often ill equipped.
Read MoreLove Tears Down Walls
Love led John Perkins to tear down the wall of a formerly segregated health clinic in Mendenhall, Mississippi. As he puts it, “God’s love and justice come together in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, and we can’t be about one and not the other. They’re inextricably connected.”
Read MoreVMMissions Hosts Prayer as Mission Seminar
VMMissions workers Michael and Ruthy Hershey led a seminar on October 17 and 18 focused on engaging prayer as the foremost tool given to us by which to engage in God’s mission and see God’s purposes unfold in our lives and in our world.
Read MoreBike Shenandoah Riders Pedal in Memory of Steve Leaman
On a crisp September morning, the largest number of riders in Bike Shenandoah’s history rode in memory of Steve Leaman, a beloved former principal, educator, and VMMissions staff member. The 133 riders pedaled to raise money for six organizations.
Read MoreMotorcycles Go the Distance for Missions
In September, 24 motorcycle riders covered a total of 419 miles in support of the ministries of VMMissions. Despite ominous skies, the first group left Harrisonburg early Friday morning, and met up with other riders at Powhatan Mennonite Church.
Read MoreVMMissions Announces Stephen R. Leaman Memorial Endowment for Missions
VMMissions is honored to announce to the public the Stephen R. Leaman Memorial Endowment for Missions, which will benefit three areas of ministry.
Read MoreWorker Profile: Dan and Mary Hess
Dan and Mart serve in the town of Milot, Albania, where they focus on building relationships to lead people to Jesus. They are involved in children’s ministry, discipling new believers, and training emerging leaders.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Cherishing What God Speaks
“In our 14 years of our marriage, we have moved 14 times, not to mention all the transitions each time we came back to the US for home ministry assignments,” Ruthy H. writes. “God reminds me that we have not only survived all of this transition, but have been able to thrive.”
Read MorePrepared in Cusco for Service in Virginia
Hannah’s identity and understanding of the world and the gospel are forever changed by the opportunity she had to grow up as a TCK in Cusco, Peru. “Before leaving, I was given a say in this decision to move. Making this choice at age seven deepened the degree to which I took on the role of missionary.”
Read MoreA World United Under God’s Love
I have had the blessing of serving on a few mission trips and have also assisted in after-school tutoring. I realize now that the fire to serve others was sparked as others invested in me and my community. I strive to see others as God sees us—as one body of Christ, as being equal.
Read MoreFor Different Seasons Blow Different Winds
Oftentimes it seems that we blot out our most important identification, our foundation: we are children of God. The fact that I am a TCK no longer seems to weigh on me. I will encounter misunderstandings because of it, but I have a greater purpose and longing that my heart seeks after.
Read MoreThankful for a Life of Paradoxes
I like being a TCK because I get to see and do things a lot of people don’t get to. For example, I have learned to do Thai dancing and to cook Thai food. I have made friends who live in many countries. But sometimes I don’t like being a TCK because I don’t really fit in anywhere.
Read MoreJoy and Mourning
Growing up as a TCK, I experienced a lot of opposites. I would feel excited when we moved to new places, yet I felt sad about all the things I had to give up, sometimes forever. The window is symbolic of the lives of the people around me that were opened to me because of my TCK experience.
Read MoreAnna and the Life-Giving High Five
The game of the street in Central Asia was urtganiki, which consists of “ball dodging and life swapping.” Whether the teammate I high-five back into the game does well or poorly, we feel connected more deeply because of the life-exchange. Similarly when we reflect on Jesus giving us his life, we feel more connected to him.
Read MoreThe Children Who Ask, “Who Am I?”
Third Culture Kids (TCKs) are uniquely formed and called to serve. Having grown up in Thailand, our daughters are TCKs. They are convinced of the reality and relevance of Jesus, and they are well-positioned for witness in the intercultural settings that abound in our world today.
Read MoreVMMissions Announces Two Staff Promotions
VMMissions announces the promotions of Abe Hartzler to Associate Director of Advancement and Tom Yoder to Ministry Coach, with a particular focus on the Balkans. Both are current VMMissions staff members called to take on new or expanded roles.
Read MoreConfessing Our Complicity and Committing to Change
At a recent prayer time, several staff members gave voice to our collective confession for complicity in systemic injustice and racism. We share this prayer with you as a statement of our ongoing need for God’s mercy and transformation.
Read MoreCoronavirus Sparks Responses of Compassion and Creativity at VMMissions
The last three months of the coronavirus pandemic have introduced unimagined challenges and tragedy to the entire world community. It has also unearthed deep wells of adaptability, creativity and compassion. This is certainly the story at VMMissions.
Read MoreMWC Global Church Sharing Fund Responds to Pandemic Needs
Mennonite World Conference has invited Anabaptist mission and service partners to coordinate their financial response to COVID-19 hardships experienced by member churches around the world.
Read MoreA Front Row Seat to the Gospel’s Power
The power of the gospel is this: that the unlovable are loved, the irredeemable are redeemed, the disinherited are adopted, the faithless are made faithful, the wicked are made pure, and the unqualified are made participants. This is Kyle’s story.
Read MoreTracing the Trail of Forgiveness
God is calling Bethany Tobin to both teach and walk out Jesus’ humble yet powerful message of forgiveness as she serves in Thailand. She prays, “Use my mistakes Lord – make a fool of me – so that the power of your gospel can be revealed.” She shares these glimpses.
Read MoreWorker Profile: Elena Buckwalter de Satalaya
Elena and her husband Freddy are working with the Iglesia Cristiana Menonita, in Iquitos, Peru, focusing mostly on bringing young people on an island community to a personal relationship with God. They teach basic classes and lead a children’s ministry and youth group.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Listening in the Hard Times
A week before arriving home to our slum, our neighborhood was flooded. Our homecoming was overwhelming—filled with culture shock, mourning lost possessions, and setting up our house again. Less than a month later, we all got typhoid. How do we pray in these times?
Read MoreMore Precious Than Rubies
God tells women that we are valuable to him, more precious than rubies. But in Montenegro, women are treated as if we are not worth much at all. So the women’s committee of our church decided to conduct our first-ever outreach event to show women their God-given value.
Read MoreSharing the Best We Have
Solange Tartari sees God working powerfully in Albania among people who are encountering the gospel for the first time. “We all have challenges in life. The least we can do is simply share the best we have in love for others: Jesus! He makes all the difference in us,” she writes.
Read MoreThe Gospel Seen on the Canvas of a Life
Within Nathan’s story I see many threads of God’s intervention. The presence of an active church. The word of God permeating Nathan’s heart from the voice of a faithful believer behind bars. The Holy Spirit bringing conviction, peace, hope, and forgiveness.
Read MoreThe Power of the Cross
Jesus’ sacrificial death undoes the curse of sin and makes new life possible for those who trust in him and surrender their lives in service to his kingdom. Like a seed that dies to be reborn as a fruitful new plant, death is the path to life in God’s economy.
Read MoreWorker Profile: Mark and Sarah Schoenhals
We serve with Life Enrichment Church (LEC), a network of house churches in a wide rural area, with the goal of multiplying disciples of Jesus and house churches. We help disciple new believers, train emerging leaders, and advise and help sharpen the vision of existing leaders.
Read MoreCall to Prayer: Soaking and Leaking
We knew that God had good plans for our neighbors in our South Asian Muslim neighborhood. We also knew intimately the hard details of their lives. We spent a lot of time praying and listening for a sense of God’s dreams for them and what God was specifically guiding us to do.
Read MoreKeep Your Distance 5K Results
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Keep Your Distance 5K! Over six days, walkers and runners from around the world came together (virtually) and completed 232.5 miles while showing their support for VMMissions.
Read MoreA New Roof for Rosa
When it became apparent that Rosa (name changed) needed a new roof on her house, church planter and pastor Armando Sanchez was ready to add his roofing skills to the energy already present in the Springdale and Waynesboro Mennonite churches.
Read MoreIn Honor of Lloyd Weaver, VMMissions’ Longest-Serving President, 1966-1979
Lloyd Weaver Jr., ninth president of Virginia Mennonite Missions, died on April 7, 2020, at age 96. Recognized as humble, strong, encouraging, committed and full of good humor, he was enthusiastic about missions and especially enjoyed visiting the missionaries on location.
Read MoreKen Horst Hired as Interim Development Associate
VMMissions has hired Ken Horst as Interim Development Associate, effective April 20. Ken served with the agency for over 30 years as both a mission worker and member of staff, most recently as Development Associate for four years before he retired in 2018.
Read MoreCloth Face Mask Goal Exceeded
VMMissions launched a drive for cloth face masks for four area poultry plants, with a goal of 1,500. Due to an incredible outpouring of support, we have exceeded this goal by 575 masks! Thank you to everyone who gave of their time, talent, and resources.
Read MoreVMMissions Mourns the Loss of Steve Leaman
With great sadness we share the news that Steve Leaman, our dear coworker and brother, passed away suddenly on April 5. Steve was known as a hard-working and caring colleague, a lifelong learner, a devoted family man, and a faithful follower of Jesus.
Read MoreThe Hands and Feet of Jesus
In the desperate tedium of a large refugee camp, we were entering a world where we would feel sorrow, joy, rage, exhaustion, frustration and happiness, all in a matter of a few hours. Every day. I have never felt more strongly that we were trying to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Read MoreVMMissions Launches Coronavirus Immigrant Care Fund
Many immigrant families depend on their weekly check for meeting the needs of their families. The present coronavirus emergency has left many families jobless or with their work hours reduced to a minimum. This fund is a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need.
Read MoreVMMissions Response to COVID-19
We are all living with upheaval and uncertainty due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Yet as followers of Jesus, we need not give in to fear or hopelessness. With that confidence in God, Virginia Mennonite Missions is taking a number of steps to respond to the coronavirus crisis.
Read More30 Seconds That Threw Lezhë Into Chaos
On November 26, 2019, Albania a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and numerous aftershocks struck Albania. The church mobilized to provide help. “I see that the Lord is revealing himself to the lost. We pray that God will be glorified and that there will be lasting fruit for God’s kingdom in Albania,” Rafael writes.
Read MoreWhat Does It Mean to “Do Good?”
We were ostensibly doing good work in the community, but the lack of transformative spiritual engagement left us feeling empty, dissatisfied, and questioning. This desire to see gospel transformation take root began, however, in a startling and unforeseen way.
Read MoreBold Humility: Mission in the Way of Jesus
Contemporary attitudes toward mission are much different than the ones that gave rise to VMMissions one hundred years ago. Today, the claim that Jesus is Lord offends pluralistic sensibilities, but is sharing the gospel inherently oppressive? Not if we follow the Lord’s example.
Read MoreGratitude to God Funds Mission
The early model of centralized funding depended on donors entrusting their God-given resources to the mission agency to use in accordance with its priorities. Later it became clear that donors wanted to give where they had involvement. A paradigm shift was needed.
Read MoreGetting On Board With Business
Business and practical professional skills are vehicles enabling the gospel to cross into places closed to traditional mission initiatives but open for business. The call is going out for people who love Jesus and believe that the marketplace is a place for the good news of the gospel.
Read MoreUSA Ministries: A Story of Missionaries and Migrants
God knows how to weave good stories together to create something new and beautiful in another time and place. In this story, the puzzle pieces are missionaries and migrants, the places are Honduras and Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and the time will unfold in the telling.
Read More